
US Democratic Candidates Release Tax Records; Trump Does Not

In criticizing her opponent, Clinton also invoked two Olympic gold medalists. But those remarks were quickly eclipsed by the latest in a series of controversial statements which Trump has spent much of the week trying to clarify.


Regarding Trump’s trade rhetoric, Clinton said: “His approach is based on fear, not strength”.

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton on Friday released their 2015 tax returns, showing they made $10.75 million (9.63 million euros) in income and paid an effective federal tax rate of 34.2 percent.

But for months, financial experts have pointed out that nothing prevents a person from releasing his or her personal tax records during an audit. Promising to get tough with China and any other nation that tries to “game the system” or kill American jobs, Clinton said she would impose tariffs on trade cheaters and appoint the first “chief trade prosecutor” to enforce trade regulations. The source spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the plans in advance.

Her appearance followed Trump’s own speech on the economy, which he delivered in MI on Monday.

Richard Nixon released his own taxes under audit in 1973, in part because of accusations of tax-dodging that eventually forced the disgraced former president to pay the IRS $476,431 in back taxes.

She also promised to create jobs across multiple industries support unions, small businesses and renewable energy, as well as raising taxes on wealthy individuals and corporations shipping jobs and operations overseas.

The Clintons have paid more than $43 million in federal taxes and more than $14 million in charitable contributions since 2007, according to the campaign’s website.

The speech came after Trump unveiled his economic plan in Detroit on Monday, where he said he would reduce the tax brackets to three, cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and abolish the estate tax. He also called for greater child care deductions for families.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to move to the middle because most of the country is already in the space that she now occupies on the political spectrum.

Both candidates chose tightly contested Michigan-specifically, the Detroit area-to make their updated economic pitches. At a rally Tuesday, Trump falsely said his Democratic rival wanted to revoke the right to gun ownership.

“It’s astonishing to me how many places in America. don’t have access to broadband”, she said.

The Trump campaign’s newfound focus on family policies usually pushed by progressives kicked off at the Republican National Convention in July. Clinton chose to take the opposite route.


The Republican candidate has said he is worth more than $10 billion, but no one has been able to confirm this independently.

Hillary Clinton