
US diplomatic strategy on South China Sea appears to founder

The case was brought by the Philippines over China’s claims and dealt a huge blow to Beijing.


The dotted line on the Chinese passports’ design is the nine-dash line, or a representation of China’s territory on the South China Sea.

The hackers claimed to be the 1937CN from China, which is one of the biggest hacker groups in the country and has a history of hacking Viet Nam’s and the Philippines’ websites in 2013 and 2015, respectively.

Despite their claims, China has repeatedly portrayed the a villain in the South China Sea for backing smaller nation’s territorial claims.

And this is why September’s drills are important: Russian Federation has been a strong backer of China’s stance on the arbitration case, which was brought by the Philippines.

Earlier this year, USA officials spoke repeatedly of the need for countries in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere, including the European Union, to make it clear that the decision of the court should be binding. Beyond backing its allies, the US wants to ensure China does not gain a stranglehold of power over one of the most vital trade networks in the world. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force conducted a combat air patrol in the South China Sea recently, which will become a “regular” practice in the future, said a military spokesperson on July 18, 2016.

China has reportedly expressed willingness “to work with the Philippine government”.

More than 80 countries and global organizations have expressed understanding and support to China’s stance on the South China Sea disputes.

On July 15, the European Union, distracted after Britain’s vote to leave the bloc, issued a statement taking note of the ruling, but avoiding direct reference to Beijing or any assertion that the decision was binding. China says all disputes should be settled bilaterally through negotiations. “That legal basis should now have to give way to the diplomatic processes that we have to pursue”, Yasay said on Wednesday.

“Securing peace and stability in the South China Sea is an issue I care deeply about”.

“We continue to restrict our navy from operating within a 12 nautical mile zone of China’s reclaimed islands, a risky mistake that grants de facto recognition of China’s man-made sovereignty claims”, veteran Republican Senator John McCain Arizona, seen as an expert on defence affairs, complained in 2015.

The sea has been disputed for centuries but they have intensified as China has continued to expand its island building in the sea, which is a major shipping route for roughly £3.17tn in trade.


Airline operators briefly suspended electronic check-ins when their systems were attacked, Vietnam’s civil aviation authority said.

China on the Defensive?