
US Election 2016: Trump seals Republican nomination

Christie paused for several seconds at it spread throughout the room.


And for every indictment he laid out, enraged Republicans declared her “guilty!” and demanded that authorities “lock her up”. One New Hampshire delegate called Clinton a “piece of garbage” and called for her execution for the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, attacks that left four Americans dead. “And then she lied about it over and over and over again”.

First, the fundamentals fail to clearly point to a Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton win. Diving a level deeper, though, it’s worth considering how the anger and frustration that powers the chant – kindled by hours of speakers and videos attacking Clinton – represents a natural waystation in American politics. Throughout the campaign, Trump has reveled in referring to his opponent as “Crooked Hillary”. Other correspondents were particularly infuriated by Gov. Chris Christie’s devastating mock indictment of Hillary Clinton for her manifest failings as secretary of State.

But others have piled on.

“So let’s decide: Hillary Clinton as an apologist for an al Qaeda affiliate in Nigeria, resulting in the capture of innocent young women”. Hillary Clinton cared more about protecting her own secrets than she cared about protecting American secrets.

Trump, who officially became the Republican presidential nominee Tuesday night, has himself called for Clinton to be imprisoned, frequently calling her a criminal on the stump for her use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state.

Meanwhile, Christie said he signed on as an early supporter of Trump’s, and after knowing him for 14 years, trusts him to keep his word. McIver said she offered her resignation over the incident, but Trump rejected it.

The last time that Trump matched Clinton’s level of support was in mid-May, after his remaining rivals for the Republican nomination dropped out and many Republican leaders started to openly support his bid for the White House.

So are we willing to elect someone as president who has, as their role model, somebody who acknowledges Lucifer?

Ben Carson speaks during a discussion on gun control and his new book at the National Press Club in Washington, October 2015. She says “he’d like to know about races we’d like help with”.

Some Republicans are wary of going too far.

Straining to shore up Republican unity, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence will vouch for Donald Trump’s conservative values Wednesday night as he makes his national convention debut as Trump’s running mate. As Vox’s Dylan Matthews has explained, Hillary Clinton has previously downplayed allegations against her husband – which is problematic because as a candidate she’s insisted that we should err on the side of believing women who make such accusations. And Bill Pickle, a SC delegate and talk radio host, said those doing the name-calling “sound and act like demons”.

“He’s thinking about these issues and what he’s doing is seeking out the opinion of people he respects to say, Well, how should I be thinking about that?” “What happened to professionalism, manners and humanity in our politicians and citizens?”

“I am proud to say that the voice of the people of our nation is being heard in this hall and those voices want Donald Trump to be the next President of the United States”.


Manafort told reporters at a convention briefing that anger was not the tone of the convention but acknowledged it “may be an undertone”.

Republican National Convention 2016 live updates: Trump kids, Chris Christie to speak Tuesday