
US House chairmen seek new federal probe of Clinton testimony

While the Federal Bureau of Investigation declined to recommend criminal charges against Clinton for using an unsecured email server and deleting thousands of work-related emails, Director James Comey reserved harsh criticism for the presidential hopeful, saying she was “extremely careless” with security while contradicting her claims that she did not send or receive classified information from her unsecured email account. In a letter Monday, House Republicans asked the Justice Department to determine whether Clinton had “committed perjury and made false statements” during her appearance in October before a special House panel on the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya.


That’s five different entities that Johnson is querying.

The State Department announced on Thursday that it would reopen its internal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified material while serving as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

Comey said she had multiple devices and investigators found thousands of work-related emails that had not been turned over.

Last week, the candidate met with Congressional House and Senate members to convince them that he’s capable of unifying the party in a bid to defeat presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton this November.

“I am the law and order candidate”, she is “weak, ineffective, pandering”, and referring to her handling of classified e-mails on a private server, she is “either a liar or grossly incompetent”.

Clinton long maintained that she never sent or received e-mails “marked classified”, a position she asserted during her nearly 11 hours of testimony in October before a special House committee investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya. “You defend America, and America will defend you”, he said in a speech, adding that he would fire or discipline VA employees who “fail our veterans” or breach the public trust. “I am the law-and-order candidate”. “Our police officers … need to understand that the president of the United States and his administration will give them the benefit of the doubt, not always believe that what they have done is somehow wrong”.

The chairmen also requested the FBI’s investigative file for its review of Clinton’s misuse of an email server. In their criminal referral, the lawmakers’ letter asks Attorney Channing D. Phillips to investigate.

On Monday, two House Republican committee chairmen formally requested that the Justice Department investigate whether Hillary Clinton lied to Congress.


A majority of Americans disapprove of the FBI’s recommendation against criminal charges for Clinton and an even larger majority say the issue “makes them anxious about how Clinton might act as president”, according to a new ABC/Washington Post poll released Monday. “He has no core principals and other than that he’s pretty good”, Republican National Convention delegate Carroll “Beau” Correll Jr. told WRC-TV. The Democratic convention is a week later.

AG Loretta Lynch declines to press charges against Clinton