
US imposes fresh sanctions on Iran

He said Iran would respond by “accelerating its legal ballistic missile program and boosting defense capabilities”.


American prisoners in Iran have been released through “smart” diplomacy and now America and the entire world is more secure because of the recently-concluded nuclear deal, U.S. President Barack Obama said Sunday.

The freeing of the Americans and the certification of the nuclear deal, both Saturday, marks the beginning of a new era in U.S.-Iranian relations.

In a reciprocal move, Obama said that six Iranian-Americans and one Iranian serving sentences or awaiting trial were being granted clemency.

“Iran’s implementation of the nuclear-related measures…, as verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), marks a fundamental shift in circumstances with respect to Iran’s nuclear program”, Obama said in the executive order issued by the White House. The country conducted a precision-guided ballistic missile test capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, officials said.

Rouhani said: “In (implementing) the deal, all are happy except Zionists, warmongers, sowers of discord among Islamic nations and extremists in the US”.

Adam J. Szubin, U.S. acting under-secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said the country’s “ballistic missile program poses a significant threat to regional and global security”.

President Obama on Sunday hailed the release of Americans from Iranian custody and the implementation of an historic accord to curb Iran’s nuclear program, pointing to the breakthroughs as products of diplomacy.

Rouhani, who has promised that 2016 will be a “year of prosperity” for Iranians, said that following the lifting of sanctions Iran would seek foreign investment of $30-$50 billion annually, to dramatically spur growth to eight percent.

Some congressional officials briefed on the arrangement believe the negotiations demonstrate the ability of the Iranian regime to put pressure on the Obama administration.

Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, former U.S. marine Amir Hekmati and pastor Saeed Abedini were sent immediately to Germany en route to the United States, while Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari chose to remain in Iran.


Concerns that fresh Iranian exports will worsen a supply glut have helped push oil prices to 12-year lows, and they plunged below US$28 a barrel early on Monday. The two countries agreed on a $1.3 billion compromise on interest.

APTOPIX Austria Iran Nuclear