
US magnate Trump gives out rival’s phone number after spat

The video provided a moment of levity in what has been a heated war of words between Graham and Trump.


Trump has also hinted that if he doesn’t win the Republican nomination, he might run as a third party candidate, much like Ross Perot did in 1992. “I was their fair-haired boy. I don’t agree with the people who are saying he is a racist or he batches Mexicans”, Protester Karina Villalva said. “Next, they said I would never file my personal financial disclosure forms”, Trump said in the statement issued with his filing last week. “Absolutely, if they’re not fair, that would be a factor”.

“There’s nothing more important than what I’m doing”, he said on arrival, calling illegal immigration “a huge problem”. “We’ll see soon enough. And I think one of the reasons”. “The sad truth is if you look at many of their policies, it can be hard to tell the difference”.

Republican presidential candidate Lindsay Graham has destroyed his phone with force and fire after its number was made public.

Jeb Bush, in South Carolina, was asked about the coming primary debates, for which Trump is expected to qualify based on his performance in polls.

“Five people were killed by Marines”, one protester yelled, referencing last week’s shooting in Chattanooga, Tenn., by a naturalized U.S. citizen from Yemen.

Trump addressed the trip in an interview on “Fox and Friends” Wednesday. This was after Graham, one of the GOP candidates, called Trump “the world’s biggest jackass”.

North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, speaking at the Aspen Institute, said he doesn’t support boycotting Trump’s companies because it’s harms other businesses that work with Trump’s. Responding to him only emboldens him, several in the GOP acknowledged Tuesday.

Palin stated that Trump is “giving voice to untold millions of fed-up Americans”.

“I’m not in the gang”. “I’m not in the group where the group does whatever it’s supposed to do”. I want to be nice.

Today, on his trip to the U.S.-Mexico border in Laredo, Texas, where he refused to apologize to those who were offended by his claim that “many of those who have entered the country illegally are rapists.”, according to Time. Lindsey Graham’s cellphone number.

“No, no, we’re talking about illegal immigration and everybody understands it. And you know what?”

Local members of the Border Patrol union had been ready to accompany Trump, who has outraged Mexicans with incendiary comments about immigrants, but announced early on Thursday that they had abandoned the plan after discussions with union leaders.

“If all else fails, you can always give your number to The Donald”, Graham says. “That’s not what we need”.


Mr Trump touched down in Laredo, Texas, a city of 250,000 people where the population is 96 per cent Hispanic.

Donald Trump