
US Navy sailors released unharmed by Iran in less than a day

Those words coming from one of 10 U.S. Navy sailors held and then freed by Iran. Authorities from the country said that the Americans have accorded to not to repeat the mistake again.


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the implementation of the Iranian nuclear deal will take place likely in the coming days.

“After determining that their entry into Iran’s territorial waters was not intentional, and their apology, the detained American sailors were released in worldwide waters”, the Guard said.

The U.S. military has said that mechanical trouble with one of the boats caused them to drift into Iranian territorial waters near the island, where they were picked up by Iran.

That being said, an investigation will be done to establish what exactly caused the entering of the boats to Iranian waters, as a spokesman for the Navy’s Fifth Fleet said to ABC News on Tuesday.

This US Navy photo released January 12, 2016, shows the type of Riverine Command Boat apprehended by Iran on January 12, 2106.

KELEMEN: An official close to him says Kerry spoke at least five times with Zarif, telling him at one point that this could be a good news story for both.

A senior State Department official said “it’s too soon to make an assessment” of the impact on other diplomatic efforts, such as freeing detained US civilians.

And at a presidential campaign rally in the United States, Republican front runner Donald Trump, who accuses President Barack Obama of being weak on foreign policy, described the detention of the salors as “an indication of where the hell we’re going”. On the other hand, Kerry thanked Iran for its cooperation in the release.

Iran released a footage showing the arrest and treatment of the 10 troops, hours after they were set free.

When you have a problem with a boat? do you apologize the boat had problems? there is no looking for an apology. this was just standard nautical practice.

Kerry and Zarif grew acquainted through the recent nuclear deal between the Islamic Republic and world powers.

Iran’s armed forces chief, Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, said the incident should demonstrate Iranian strength to “troublemakers” in the U.S. Congress, which has sought to put pressure on Iran after the nuclear deal.

He added: “I want to personally thank Secretary of State John Kerry for his diplomatic engagement with Iran to secure our sailors’ swift return”.

Kerry said in a statement on Wednesday: “That this issue was resolved peacefully and efficiently is a testament to the critical role diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe, secure and strong”.

” Around the world, the U.S. Navy routinely provides assistance to foreign sailors in distress, and we appreciate the timely way in which this situation was resolved”.


Four Americans of Iranian origin remain held by Iran, including journalist Jason Rezaian of The Washington Post; former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati of Flint, Michigan; pastor Saeed Abedini of Boise, Idaho; and Siamak Namazi, a businessman and the son of a politician from the shah’s era.

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