
US News Publishes Online MBA Ranking for 2016

Temple University’s Fox School of Business claimed a big win in US News & World’s ranking of the top US online MBA programs on Tuesday. “Our online and campus graduate programs are taught by the No. 1-ranked faculty in the country for research productivity over the past 10 years”.


“Most of our students are practicing teachers, so offering coursework after school with live, online class meetings means that students can join the class from anywhere”, she says.

The more than 100 students in Oswego’s online MBA program are among almost 300 in the college’s overall MBA program, which is customized for every student, said Irene Scruton, Oswego’s MBA director.

Oswego-the first comprehensive college in the SUNY system to offer an MBA degree, starting in 1997-has increased the options students have for specializing within their graduate business studies, offering MBA programs in health services administration, management and public accounting.

UF offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees via distance and online learning. Also, degrees from programs that are well respected by academics may be held in higher regard among employers.

Now in its fifth year, the U.S. News Best Online Programs serves as a resource to what the publication states is millions of domestic and global prospective students and working adults who are increasingly seeking online education programs for career advancement and degree completion.

The rankings are based on a variety of factors, including student engagement, admissions selectivity, peer reputation, faculty credentials and training, student services and technology.

The College of Criminology and Criminal Justice’s online graduate program jumped two spots to No. 5. The college offers degrees in curriculum and instruction, educational leadership/administration, instructional systems and learning technologies, learning and cognition, and special education studies.

U.S. News ranks distance learning at the program level rather than the institutional level.


In addition, UMSL’s online graduate education program was ranked 66th by U.S. News, also making it the top-ranked program in Missouri. “We have worked hard to design and deliver a program that has immediate relevance to students, their careers and the firms for which they work”.

Alter Hall on Temple’s Main Campus at night