
US poised to lift sanctions on Iran under nuclear deal

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. appears poised to lift at least some sanctions against Iran — possibly as early as January. Diplomats from the country attempted to downplay the test conducted on October 10th, stating it was not technically a violation of the July nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers.


Once the deal takes effect, Iran will still be “called upon” not to undertake any ballistic missiles work created to deliver nuclear weapons for a period of up to eight years, according to a Security Council resolution adopted in July right after the nuclear deal.

Under the JCPOA, limits will be put on Iran’s nuclear activities in exchange for, among other things, the removal of all economic and financial bans against the Islamic Republic related to its nuclear program.

“Instead of an effective, timely response, the Security Council has dithered”, she said, stressing the importance of sanctions enforcement for “a credible, enforceable nuclear deal”.

“This council cannot allow Iran to feel that it can violate our resolutions with impunity”, Power said. “Some council members (China and Russia) may not like those resolutions, but they are our resolutions”.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest called the missile test “a serious matter that undermines regional stability”.

Republicans in Congress who disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal were seizing on the United Nations panel’s findings as grounds for additional congressional sanctions.

The Obama administration is defending Iran’s steps to implement the nuclear deal to skeptics in the Senate. “There is a deep reluctance on the part of the administration to impose sanctions for any violations”.

The U.N. nuclear agency is set to close the books on a decade-long probe of allegations that Iran worked on atomic arms.

The launch of an Iranian Imad missile on October 11.

“The council should carry out its work in a balanced and objective manner, ensure the comprehensive implementation of the resolution, properly tackle sensitive issues and lend support to the implementation of the JCPOA”, he said. “If there are no consequences for this violation, Iran’s leaders will certainly also question the willingness of the worldwide community to respond to violations” of the Iran deal, they wrote. Corker said. “We see no evidence of them paying a price for any of these actions”.

FILE – Stephen Mull, the State Department’s lead coordinator for Iran nuclear implementation, says recent actions by Iran to which US lawmakers have objected fall outside the scope of the nuclear accord finalized earlier this year.


Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif welcomed Tuesday’s announcement, saying it proved the peaceful nature of its program.

Iran test launch of the Emad long-range ballistic missile