
US Republican Governor’s Comments Incite Firestorm – Within Her Party

News 2 asked, “Just last night following the State of the Union address, South Carolina’s Governor Nikki Haley said a few critical things about Donald Trump”.


Instead Haley says she hopes all candidates take away the meaning behind the remark.

By picking Haley, the daughter of Indian immigrants, GOP leaders – who reportedly cleared the speech before she addressed the nation – were effectively announcing they had had it with Trump’s toxic brand of ethno-nationalism. On Tuesday night, Haley said that Americans should resist “the siren call of the angriest voices” in how they treat immigrants.

“And say, ‘OK, we’re going to be positive role in this, ‘” Haley added of the GOP.

In spite of talking only about the next one year, Obama said he wanted to focus on the next five years, the nest ten years and even beyond.

Steve King was not impressed.

“We see Republicans who are not always being responsible with their words in terms of extending our tent, making sure that people who abide by our laws and abide by our traditions feels accepted in this country”, she added.

Haley’s parents moved to SC in 1969; she was born in January 1972.

Was she referring to Obama – or Trump?

Talk radio host and Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham tweeted after Haley’s response that she missed an opportunity to back working Americans on the subject of immigration.

HORSLEY: A White House spokesman praised Haley this afternoon for what he called her courageous willingness to speak out against Trump’s fiery rhetoric. She drew attention with her decision to dispense quickly with her criticism of Obama and her call on fellow Republicans to accept some responsibility for the political discord. “Whoever I pick is also going to be very strong on illegal immigration”.

Yeah, she’s super-conservative, but she doesn’t want the Republican party to turn into a white nationalist, to turn into a kind of fascist party. “But her willingness to stand up for some important principles was noted, and it took courage”. Who else could she have been referencing besides Trump?

The reviews were more mixed among other Republican presidential candidates. “She was very neutral in this national speech”. Fixing a broken immigration system.

Haley’s efforts to help remove the Confederate battle flag from the capitol grounds are a tangible example of how she as the leader of her state has personally pursued efforts to improve relations between the races. This is just something that we learned in SC that I’m passing it along. I think we’re seeing it across the country.


“Some people think that you have to be the loudest voice in the room to make a difference”, Haley said. Saima Durrani, a U.S. Army officer, said she is a registered Republican but will probably vote Democratic as she does not like any of the candidates running for President.

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