
US Republicans nominate Donald Trump for president

In this July 1, 2016, photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump points to supporters during the opening session of the Western Conservative Summit in Denver. Those pro-Trump delegates loudly booed when some delegations, such as Colorado and the District of Columbia, cast votes for Texas Sen.


Trump is expected to formally accept the nomination in a speech at the convention in Cleveland on Thursday, before facing off against Democrat Hillary Clinton in the November election battle.

On the convention floor, states from Alabama to West Virginia took it in turns to pledge their delegates. Maybe it’s because “We Are the Champions” is one of my favorite songs, maybe it’s because I used to watch Queen’s 1985 Live Aid performance (below) at least three times a day for two years, but watching Trump waltz up to the podium with his usual obnoxious self-assurance to that song, I felt like I had to say something. Riled up, the crowd yelled “Lock her up!”

Johnson, like Trump a businessman who entered politics later in life, accused Clinton of lying repeatedly.

In a report on Melania’s speech that the New York Times published Tuesday, Maggie Haberman and Michael Barbaro wrote that McIver was “a New York City-based former ballet dancer and English major who has worked on some of Mr. Trump’s books, including ‘Think Like a Billionaire.'” They added that it was unclear at the time how large a role McIver played in the drafting of the speech.

Defenses of Melania also included My Little Pony.

Clinton pounced on the tumult, saying the Republican gathering had so far been “surreal”, comparing it to the classic fantasy film “Wizard of Oz”.

McIver said that she offered to resign Tuesday, but Donald Trump rejected the idea, calling it an “innocent mistake”. “Chip in now to make sure he never steps foot in the Oval Office”, she said in a fundraising tweet.

Underscoring the problems Trump has faced with USA allies overseas, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Trump threatened US and world security with his “politics of fear and isolation”.

But her speech was quickly overtaken by charges that it included two passages- each 30 words or longer – that matched a 2008 Democratic convention address by Michelle Obama almost word-for-word.

There were no arrests, police said, despite several tense moments that saw officers step in between protesters pushing and shouting at each other during some of the biggest, most raucous gatherings in downtown Cleveland since the four-day convention began on Monday.


After the presidential nominating vote, the convention by voice vote nominated Indiana Governor Mike Pence, 57, Trump’s choice for his vice presidential running mate. Cruz, who has not yet endorsed Trump, is set to speak too. He led efforts to successfully tamp down a rebellion on the convention floor Monday, though the campaign still had to contend with angry outbursts from anti-Trump delegates.

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