
US Senate to debate restricting funds to Planned Parenthood following third

She says the videos which have been released by the Center for Medical Progress were “deceptively edited” and has alleged that law may have been broken by recording Planned Parenthood officials without their consent. It received $528 million dollars in government reimbursements and grants in 2013, largely through Medicaid.


The breach occurred late Sunday night, according to reports, and came amid recent controversy over the release of secretly recorded videos showing officials with the health care nonprofit discussing the alleged sale of aborted fetal tissue to medical research facilities.

The video also includes an interview with Holly O’Donnell, a phlebotomist (a clinical support worker who takes blood samples from patients) who works for a company that procured the tissue of aborted unborn babies from Planned Parenthood.

Republican senators have announced their intention to hold a vote on that would halt federal funding of Planned Parenthood prior to the forthcoming August recess.

“To say we’re going to make it more hard and close down these clinics so these women can’t get early screening, I mean, it doesn’t make any sense”, she said.

Paul said the Senate would vote on the defunding of Planned Parenthood in the near future. Federal funds can not be used for abortions except for pregnancies involving rape, incest or where the mother’s life is in danger.

U.S senators are expected to vote on legislation over the next few days that would cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

Pro-life groups aren’t buying it and they say Planned Parenthood has been breaking the law for years.

There were three across our state and more than 70 rallies nationwide.

There are now five Planned Parenthood abortion facilities operating in Texas.


Planned Parenthood in our region does not have a fetal tissue donation program”, reads a statement from Jen Aulwes, a communications director with the St. Paul-based organization. “This is about whether we as a country unite, and show our disgust and our displeasure with this despicable practice”, said Delph.

Rand Paul