
USA and Brazil agree to let the beef flow

In 2015, United States beef exports reached $6.3 billion thanks to aggressive efforts by USDA to eliminate BSE-related restrictions in 16 countries since January 2015, gaining additional market access for USA beef in Colombia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Guatemala, Iraq, Lebanon, Macau, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Saint Lucia, Singapore, South Africa, Ukraine, Vietnam and, now, Brazil.


The United States, one of the planet’s largest markets, had only bought processed Brazilian beef and had prohibited the import of fresh or frozen meats due to health concerns, but these concerns were overcome in the pact signed last week. “We just can’t understand why anyone thinks it’s a good idea to import beef from a country that hasn’t proven it can keep USA livestock producers or our customers safe”.

“We are also pleased that Brazil has recognized what the World Organization for Animal Health did: that USA beef is as safe as any in the world with negligible risk for BSE”.

The USDA said both countries will immediately begin updating their administrative procedures in order to allow trade to resume.

Brazil had put the ban in place in part over concerns about the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or “mad cow” disease, after a cow with the disease was found in the USA state of Washington in 2003.

According to USDA FSIS, they anticipate annual imports of fresh (chilled or frozen) beef from Brazil to range between 20,000 and 65,000 metric tons (MT), with annual volumes averaging 40,000 MT.

However, US beef producers have criticised a separate decision that opens the US market to Brazilian fresh beef citing fears that the move could allow foot and mouth disease into the country.

The US government has reached an agreement under which Brazil will open up its market to US beef and beef products for the first time since 2003.

“The Brazilian market offers excellent long-term potential for USA beef exporters, ” added Vilsack.

American producers will once against be able to trade beef with Brazil.


“[It is] important for Brazil not only for buying potential of that market but also because the USA is a reference to other importers of fresh beef, ” said MAPA secretary Blairo Maggi. So far efforts have led to the reopening of Saudi Arabia and Peru for US beef, South Korea for poultry and South Africa for poultry, pork and beef.

Deal allows access for US beef and beef products to the Brazilian market for first time since 2003