
USA voters sceptical on Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton presidency

The Ypsilanti mother and daughter said they don’t believe Trump has the management skills necessary to be president. And it’s been this way for a while.


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a campaign event at Carl Hayden Community High School in Phoenix, Monday, March 21, 2016.

“I’ve made mistakes. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t”. By the middle of this week, #BetterPOTUSCandidates was trending nationally. At the same time, party leaders have conceded they may divert resources away from the presidential contest in favor of vulnerable Senate and House candidates if things don’t improve.

While Clinton has spent more than $75 million on advertising in 10 states since locking up her party’s nomination, Trump’s new investment marks his first of the general election season.

None of those things have come true, and it is very unlikely that will change before Election Day. “Hillary Clinton has supported all of the major trade deals that have stripped this country of its jobs and its wealth”, he said. Maybe the only way we’ll get through this election is by making ourselves laugh about it.

“We will use military, cyber and financial warfare and work with any partner in the world, and the Middle East, that shares our goal of defeating terrorism”, Trump said. I will never tell you something I do not believe.

Her return to Philadelphia came almost four weeks after the Democrats held their nomination convention in Philadelphia, where Clinton made history in becoming the first woman to head the party’s presidential ticket.

Trump recently faced a barrage of criticism when he attacked the family of a fallen Muslim American soldier.

Just 15 percent say Trump would make an “average” president, the poll said.

He has been damaged by a series of gaffes over the past month, clashing publicly with the parents of a Muslim-American soldier killed in Iraq, proclaiming President Barack Obama to be the “founder” of the Islamic State militant group, urging Russian cyber-spies to hack U.S. government computers to find Clinton’s deleted emails from her time as secretary of state and suggesting that only “second amendment” gun-rights activists can stop Clinton’s path to the White House and her appointment of judges to the USA supreme court.

Donald Trump’s long-awaitedegin in earnest Thursday night, when – for the first time in his campaign – he expressed “regret” for the litany of off-the-cuff statements that have offended nearly every group of Americans.

You can call this Donald Trump 2.0. She said the way to pay for such programs was by “going where the money is”.

In a statement Clinton responded to Trump’s new tone saying he started the campaign by insulting people and continues to do so. According to the poll, Trump was widely disliked by Jewish voters, with 63% viewing him negatively.


Most voters share a favorable opinion of the National Rifle Association, but the NRA’s endorsement of Trump is more important to Democrats than to other voters.

Donald Trump flanked by campaign manager Paul Manafort and daughter Ivanka checks the podium early Thursday afternoon in preparation for accepting the GOP nomination to be President at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland Ohio on Wednes