
Use of ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’ Becomes Hot-button Topic in US Campaign

Going further, Trump said he would also “suspend immigration from areas of the world where there’s a proven history of terrorism against the United States, Europe and our allies”.


Trump also criticized Muslim communities for not alerting authorities to those with radical behavior. Mateen was born in New York City and was a us citizen.

On Monday, Earnest told reporters that the president was hardly anxious about Trump’s thinly veiled insults.

Neil LeVesque, Director of the Institute of politics at Saint Anselm College says he is not sure how smart the speech was but he does know that if it has put Trump, once again, in the middle of the front page story.

“Donald Trump is addressing those who are exhausted of nuance and talk of unity, and want something more aggressive”, said Dan Schnur, director of the Jesse Unruh Institute of Politics at USC.

More specifically, Trump argued that the illiberal beliefs of Muslim immigrants threaten our nation’s “tolerant and open society”.

“It’s important that we stop the terrorists from getting the tools they need to carry out the attacks, and that is especially true when it comes to assault rifles like those used in Orlando and San Bernardino”, Clinton said.

“The burden is on Hillary Clinton to tell us why she believes immigration from these risky countries should be increased without any effective system” of screening, Trump said.

Both candidates embraced the LGBT community as part of the fabric of the country, with Trump claiming he was a better friend of the community than Clinton because she would allow more terrorists in the country.

She also called for stricter gun control laws, reiterating prior calls to prohibit those on terrorism watch lists from buying guns.

“The Orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very strong, and we must attack it”, Clinton, the Democrats’ presumptive nominee for the November 8 election, said in a speech in Cleveland. “Let them come in, let them have all the fun they want”.

Clinton had planned Monday as the kickoff to her general election, scheduling a rally in Cleveland that was morphed into a policy speech with unusual overtones. But he did not hold back from assailing Clinton, deriding her performance as secretary of state and casting her as inept.

The ex-Celebrity Apprentice host attempted to justify his words by telling the Today show: “I said “while I appreciate” – because I’ve been receiving tens of thousands of tweets, literally tweets and calls and letters and everything – because I’ve been the one that predicted it”. “When you come after Americans, we go after you”.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his probable Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton on Monday traded barbs in a round of television interviews.

New Hampshire state representative Al Baldasaro, who has worked with the Trump campaign, said Trumps speech will be well received because the American people want to hear politicians tell it like it is.

“Now we have to steel our resolve to respond”.

Trump said Clinton has no clue what radical Islam is, that she is in “total denial”, and that her positions broadcast weakness throughout the entire world.

“Orlando makes it even more clear”, she said.

“We have to pray that God removes the ignorance from his heart and mind”, said Dawud Walid, executive director of the MI chapter of the Council on America-Islamic Relations. She also echoed Mr Obama’s call to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists and violent criminals. And she expressed her support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

“The Orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive”, she said. “The days of deadly ignorance will end, and they will end soon if I’m elected”.

Clinton, seeking to become the first female US president, said that if Trump “is somehow suggesting I don’t call this for what it is, he hasn’t been listening”.

She invoked the bipartisanship that characterised the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, when she was a senator from NY.

Clinton said she would bring together a group of government and private sector officials with community leaders to head the “lone wolf” effort, though she did not elaborate on how to combat the threat specifically.


Clinton’s address was measured and sober. After learning of the massacre at her home in Chappaqua, NY, on Sunday, Clinton huddled with advisers, called Orlando’s mayor, Buddy Dyer, and overhauled her remarks.

Clinton: We cannot demonize Muslims