
‘USSS spoke to Donald Trump campaign about 2nd Amendment comment’

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton says Donald Trump’s comment that gun owners “could stop” her “crossed the line” and show he does not have the temperament to be United States president.


Clinton said during her speech at the Democratic National Convention last month that she does not want to repeal the amendment or take away people’s guns, but advocated “common-sense reforms”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton picked apart Donald Trump’s economic plan in a major speech today and detailed her own plans for US trade and tax reform.

“I guess there’s a scenario in which this president could pick five supreme court justices, and if you pick two that are left, left, left, it’s going to be a disaster for our country”, he told supporters today.

The Secret Service acknowledged on Tuesday afternoon they were aware of Trump’s comments but then confirmed on Wednesday afternoon to CNN’s Jim Sciutto that the agency had had multiple conversations with the Trump campaign.

Democratic nominee Clinton ran through numerous policies she has outlined over the previous year to contrast herself with Trump, who has given far fewer details about his plans, as the presidential campaign heads toward the November 8 election. Clinton said the remark was a “casual inciting of violence” that shows Trump lacks the temperament to be commander in chief. Trump has always been one step away from making a remark or uttering a joke about using violence against the opposition, and Tuesday he seemed to have crossed the line. His campaign sent a transcript and recording of the WFNC interview to reporters. Trump later told Fox News he was only talking about their “political” power – and saying of the media coverage: “Give me a break”. “Although the second amendment folks, maybe there is”.

This speech is wonky and unflashy, but there’s a great moment (around the 37:00 mark) when she talks about Trump stiffing small businesses right before Clinton describes her father’s small business. If you are running to be president, or you are president, words can have tremendous consequences.

But the Clinton campaign decried Mr Trump’s “dangerous” language.


Clinton insisted that this election cycle is not “normal”, adding that she had taken note of the fact that Republican figures and voters were joining her campaign upon deciding that Trump does not represent their values.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a campaign event in North Carolina