
Va’s supply of controversial execution drug expires in Sept.

The rule stays in effect for the time being, with the case returning to an appeals court that will decide whether it will be thrown out entirely.


Other horrific instances involving the drug include the execution of Ohio killer Dennis McGuire, who gasped several times during his prolonged execution as he struggled to die without pain.

Writing for the five-justice majority in the case, known as Glossip v. Gross, Justice Samuel Alito said that the inmates failed to show a likelihood that midazolam would prevent intense pain from the administration of two other drugs.

In dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said asking inmates to propose a safer execution method was “wholly novel”, and questioned the evidence used in midazolam’s defense.

Even though the Supreme Court just ruled that the use of lethal injection in executions is legal, experts are saying the death penalty debate is far from over. I join Justice Breyer and Justice Ginsburg in calling for a reconsideration of the constitutionality of the death penalty, and I applaud both Justices for acknowledging ‘that the death penalty, in and of itself, now likely constitutes a legally prohibited “cruel and unusual punishmen[t].'”.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote that opinion, declaring that while referenda are a more recent invention, they are consistent with the framers’ notion of resting ultimate decisionmaking with the people.

The Glossip case challenged the use of one drug in the lethal injection procedure in Oklahoma, but Florida is the only other state that uses virtually the same means to execute death row inmates.

The decision was a setback for opponents of capital punishment in the United States, the only Western country that still carries out executions.

Correll’s attorneys had asked to delay his execution until the Supreme Court’s ruling.

That argument is strikingly similar to the “let the punishment fit the crime” talking points of those who believe in capital punishment as somehow paying a debt for a criminal’s actions.

But Alito said the court has never declared a state’s method of execution unconstitutional. In an unusual move, Breyer also read part of a separate dissent, to which Justice Antonin Scalia responded in turn.

“It’s required by law that the Supreme Court shall set execution dates”.

Scalia used Breyer’s own words to complain that the liberal justices were willing to discard long-settled principles in a term in which the left side of the court won most of the closely contested cases, though not the lethal injection dispute.

Less than two weeks later, the court agreed to hear the appeal by the remaining three inmates. The majority also took the disappointing step of making inmates’ lawyers responsible for identifying available, less risky alternative methods. Almost one-quarter of the total are in California, with Florida and Texas ranked second and third, respectively, in death row populations. They said the drug midazolam is not an effective sedative in the lethal injection process.

The state’s supply expires at the end of September, but no executions are scheduled before then. Challengers said there was evidence that drug didn’t sufficiently render the inmate unconscious so there would be no pain when the other drugs were administered to stop respiration and induce cardiac arrest.


First, a drug called Midazolam is used to put a prisoner in a “coma-like” sleep. Florida has used the drug in 11 executions with no apparent problems.

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