
Vacation Bible School listings

All children ages 3 through grade 6 are welcome.


Calvary Baptist Church will be having Vacation Bible School from 9 noon June 20-24.

8 a.m. -Noon: The ladies of St. Augustine will hold a sale in the Seton House on East South Street.

All sizes of clothing, from infants to adults, will be available.

New Hope Missionary Baptist: 5640 Lincoln Blvd.: 10:30 a.m. Pastor Bill DeVore.

The group will meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Gordonville Baptist Church. Briar Branch Baptist Church is located at 42 Lula Long Road, Elizabethtown (beside N.C. 242 North). Deacon and Mrs. Dennis Ferguson, Directors of Youth. The Rev. Xavier Thompson is the BMCLA president and Dr. Melvin Wade, Sr., is the host pastor. The cost is $5: $3 for children.The breakfasts will continue the second Saturday of each month through September. The WAR against hunger is a walk and bycle ride event that also features a Health and Wellness Expo offering free health screening, information and more. The church will provide lunch and a snack.

Pastors Tony and Laquita Griffin.

July 15 and 16, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tony Collins; and the host superintendent is Purcell Booker. The Rev. Roland Butler Jr. will be the moderator. Final weigh in will be Saturday at 8 p.m. Special guests will be The Gospel Prophets, Serenity, Warriors in The Spirit, New Reason, and others. The Rev. Horatio Knight is host pastor.

LOCKRIDGE – The congregation of First Augustana Lutheran Church in Lockridge will worship at the Historic New Sweden Chapel at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Revival 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday.

Theme of the camp is Jesus sees.

Please join us for a great time! The church will serve supper. Classes will be offered for ages kindergarten through adults, and all children must be registered. For information, call Connie Council at 980-263-1852 or the church at 910-866-4383. The theme is “Barn Yard”.

“Obeying God”, June 15 to 17, from 6 to 8 p.m. VBS is for children ages 3 through rising fifth-graders. The theme for VBS is “Joy in Jesus”.

Grace Church, 5214 Stone Lake: “Fam Jam” family vacation Bible school will be 6-8 p.m. June 13-15. No cell phones allowed. The Annual Youth Program Believers, Achievers, and Doers will be at 11 a.m. June 12.

Leading the Communion service will be two United Church of Christ pastors, the Revs.

Everyone is invited to attend.

On the menu this week is fried or baked boneless chicken breast, white potatoes, green beans, corn, rolls; tea, lemonade, water; Pineapple Upside Down Cake.

Shoemakersville Park: A service will be held at 10 as part of the 65th annual Children’s Parade and Carnival.

Proceeds will benefit the Nicaragua Missions Project. The Rev. Samuel Hunter will be the guest speaker. The host pastor is the Rev. Dennis Radford.

Upon learning in Sunday school that the economic futures of nearly 90,000 young Iowans are at risk due to their lack of reading proficiency, the youth at Faith United Methodist Church chose to join the “Change a child’s story” mission, a mission to give books and give time. Speaker: Minister. Rodriguez Elmore, of Valley Brook Outreach Baptist Church. Rev. James Cureton, Pastor.

Elder Terrier Bridges of Original St. John United Holy Church in Zebulon will speak. The public is invited to come out and hear the word. Rev.


St. Matthews Baptist Church will observe choir day at 2:30 p.m. Sunday with the Rev. LeRoy Thomas and Union Baptist Church family as guests. Bailey Davie and members of Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Linton, will be the guests.

HSUN-COMM VBS Hunter Street 1