
Vacation Bible School Offered at Methodist Church

For more information, call the church at 834-9408 or Pastor Richard Reese at 221-6544. A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, its 345 members is a vibrant congregation sharing Christ’s love wherever we can.


Pastor Jonathan Greer told the station he was unanimously voted out Sunday, and the deacon of Mt. Sterling Baptist Church shares the same view as the deacons who talked with him.

The First Baptist Church of Charlevoix will offer a spin on Vacation Bible School this year. Moore also claimed that Greer would not work with deacons. He says that he was repeatedly told that black people are not allowed in the church.

“I hope to eventually find a church to pastor”, he said, “but I’m taking a break right now and not committing to anything”.

“This is not consistent with God’s word that we honor and give dignity to all people”, Greer said. “That’s what the Bible teaches us, and all people are worthy and in need of the gospel, and racism denies that to a certain amount of people”, Greer explains.

“Our church is not racist”.


In an interview with WTOK, Freddie Moore, a church deacon, said black residents are welcome at Mt.
