
Valerian: new image from Luc Besson’s next sci-fi

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is set to release July 17, 2017.


Coming up, you can see Delevingne as Enchantress in Suicide Squad, in theaters on August 5.

Besson talked about the inspiration for the film, which is based on the French science fiction comics series Valérian and Laureline, written by Pierre Christin and illustrated by Jean-Claude Mézières.

Luc Besson’s Valerian – the next big sci-fi film from the director who previously brought us the likes of The Fifth Element and Lucy – is now cooking up a storm at San Diego Comic-Con, while we’re sat at home trying not to eat all the biscuits. The alien dodges the fire and jumps onto the bus, resulting in a huge gun battle, until Valerian summons his ship and he and Laureline jump onto it in slow motion, just out of the alien’s reach. She’s all legs, until she puts down a chair. Apparently, according to Cinema Blend, Ethan Hawke plays a strip club owner, and talks up an exceptional show; when it starts, a dancer in silhouette blows it out of the park-and when she turns around, the big reveal: It’s Rihanna!


Besson is confident film fans, and lovers of the original comic, will be blown away because the world now enjoys “weird” stories. Besson, know for his previous work on confirmed classics like The Fifth Element and Lucy, brought some footage to San Diego Comic-Con that somehow hasn’t found its way online just yet. “In the years since the world as become much weirder, so maybe we’ve met in the middle and they won’t be as surprised”. Joining him in the film are Dane DeHaan, playing Valerian, and Cara Delevigne as Laureline. Valerian has more in mind than a professional relationship with his partner- blatantly chasing after her with propositions of romance.

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