
Valve releases new update for Steam Controller with lot of new features

Let’s just hope they don’t become test subjects – in the opening moments of the video you can see a couple of robotic arms with the Aperture Laboratories branding on them, though they look harmless enough.


While the Steam Controller has only been here for around a month, Valve is adding new features into their peripheral.

To facilitate co-op play, the Steam client beta also adds “configuration traveling”, which saves and transfers a controller’s settings when connecting to new devices, even when using a different Steam account.

The video below features Valve’s fully automated assembly line, which it claims is one of the largest in the US.

The specifications and details of the controller are detailed below, as reviewed by PC World.

Increased gyro support allows players to fine tune their movements, tilting the controller to move the camera view.

Other features meant to enhance gaming seem focused on accommodating players who prefer using a mouse and keyboard to a controller.

Mouse: This is where the controller excels at because the right haptic pad functions similar to a trackball.


Furthermore, Valve managed to Mouse Regions, a new functionality that helps fans of RTS (Real-time strategy) and RPG (Role-playing game) games to more easily access those complex on-screen interface for inventory slots, minimaps, or spell bars by mapping an entire trackpad to a region on-screen. Check out the December update on the Steam website for more.

Industrial Automation in Action Steam Controller Assembly             No comments              by      Dan Maloney