
Vandals attack vacation home of Cecil the lion killer Walter Palmer

Dr. Seski did travel to Zimbabwe in July of this year and participated in a lawfully permitted hunt.


Walter Palmer may not be facing criminal charges – at least, in America – for killing Cecil the Lion, but perhaps the next hunter will!

The authority said in a statement that it had agreed to “undertake an industry-wide investigation to crack down and weed out any illegal hunting activities”, but it was not clear if the latest case had emerged from that investigation.

‘He conducted his hunt in good faith and now he is being treated as if he is some criminal, ‘ Landowner Headman Sibanda said from his safari area near Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park.

Zimbabwe named Seski three days after it demanded Palmer’s extradition in connection with Cecil’s death outside Hwange National Park in July.

While speaking to reporters during a Thursday news conference, Muchinguri said the killing was illegal and deliberate.

Zimbabwe’s National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority said American doctor Jan Casimir Seski of Murrysville, Pa., killed a lion – without approval – with a bow and arrow on land where it was not allowed. No one is there to protect them from poachers or hunters as well.

Sibanda says the relevant paperwork was in place for Seski’s hunt. The doctor hasn’t been charged and the country is not calling for his extradition.

Dr Palmer shot the protected animal with a bow and arrow and left him wounded but returned next morning to finish him off. His guide hid the collar in a tree. But the government of Zimbabwe, where Cecil was killed, is doing all it can to divert attention from the real problem.

Alaska Bowhunting Supply didn’t immediately respond Sunday to a request for comment, and it wasn’t clear how the hunting supply company learned such details about the hunt. Jericho was alive and well, Oxford University researchers said, tweeting a photo as proof.


Care2 CEO Randy Paynter said at the launch of the poll: “It’s a tragedy that many of our planet’s most treasured species are also the most vulnerable to those who would take their lives for a trophy. If Jericho was killed then the cubs, who he guarded after Cecil’s killing, are likely to perish”, Newkirk said. As of 2014, GDP per capita was $2,000 – 25 times less than what Palmer paid to kill Cecil the lion.

Cecil the Lion's Older Brother Jericho Reportedly Killed After Walter J