
Vanilla Ice Lashes Out After Missing His Flight from Atlanta Airport

The rapper and actor, born Robert Van Winkle, was recorded by a bystander having a meltdown after he missed his flight to Nebraska, where he was scheduled to perform that night, The New York Post reported.


TMZ reports that Ice says he arrived an hour early, but somehow missed the call to board the plane.

“I was sitting right here, no called me, no one said final call – nothing!” he yelled to a Delta attendant. No one said anything!

Amateur video then shows the musician speaking with a ticket agent about the mishap.

“If you don’t work here, SHUT UP!”. “You didn’t even say anything”. Take a look at his meltdown below, a meltdown that gets worse when a nearby dude tells him he’s “gotta watch the monitors”.

Tough talk: The rapper’s tirade continued when he told the fellow traveler with the advice, ‘I don’t need anything from you.

“Hey, I don’t need any information from you”.

Vanilla Ice threw his ticket at the ticket agent and began cursing at the other passenger, “Shut your f-king mouth…”

It seems Ice had been travelling quite a bit recently.

He tweeted that morning: “I am the airport zombie today”. Rockstar life is not as glamorous as people think.


Ice obviously continued to seethe while leaning against the Delta counter, hand on hip.

The Associated Press