
Vatican: Pope was not singling out Trump with his remarks

On Friday a spokesman for Pope Francis said the pontiff was not launching an attack on Trump nor he was trying to sway voters.


“In no way was this a personal attack, nor an indication of how to vote”, said Lombardi.

A megachurch pastor has spoken out about Pope Francis’ recent questioning of Donald Trump’s faith and is arguing that he should apologize for doing so.

Francis’ remarks earlier this week were in response to Trump’s proposal to deport millions of illegal immigrants and construct a fortified border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“The pope said something to the effect that maybe Donald Trump isn’t Christian, okay?” “It’s his generic view, coherent with the nature of solidarity from the Gospel”, he said.

Quite predictably, Donald Trump replied in his usual manner, saying that it’s “disgraceful” for such a well-known religious leader to question his faith. I say only that this man is not Christian if he said things like that.

Supporters who introduced him took subtle shots at Pope Francis Friday for his remarks Thursday that a person who advocates building walls is “not Christian”.

Mr. Trump has alleged that Mexico sends “rapists” and criminals to the US. “They [the Mexicans] had him convinced that illegal immigration is, like, a wonderful thing!” But he added, “I’d just say that this man is not Christian if he said it this way”.

“I am a very nice person”. As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not vote, I am not going to get involved in that.

Trump has said his book The Art of The Deal is his second favourite book after the Bible.

The Pope also railed against immigration policies, describing them as the cause of a “human tragedy” that forces many underground and into the hands of drug gangs and human smugglers.

Trump has gained in popularity by claiming Mexico is sending criminals and rapists over to the United States, and last week he accused the pope of visiting the border between the two countries at the bidding of the Mexican government.

Not having heard Trump’s border plans independently, Francis said he’d “give the benefit of the doubt”.

“I have a lot of respect for the Pope”, Donald Trump said in a Town Hall in Columbia, SS “I think he has a lot of personality”.


“Donald Trump’s approach to the immigrant situation is not Christian in the sense that the Bible teaches us to be open to the stranger and the immigrant”, Shirk said.

Pope Francis Brands Donald Trump as ‘Not Christian