
VBlank Entertainment Announces Shakedown Hawaii

Shakedown Hawaii is a full sequel to the 2012 8-bit open world game, and while I don’t know whether it’ll make it to Windows 3.1 (fingers crossed!) it’s definitely coming to Steam. Like RCR, Shakedown is a top-down action game in the same vein as the original Grand Theft Auto. It’ll have destructible environments and “an arsenal of supercharged weapons”. Developer Vblank says this isn’t a Sony console exclusive per se, but it’s not going for an Xbox One launch as RCR hasn’t been ported to Microsoft’s machine, making development more complex.



While Vblank Entertainment didn’t reveal much information about the game today, more gameplay information will be revealed soon because Shakedown Hawaii will be making its first playable debut at PlayStation Experience December 5 and December 6. Asked for further details, Provinciano told Polygon that while he could not confirm additional platforms at this time, Shakedown Hawaii “will most likely hit Mac and Linux in addition to [Windows] PC”.

Retro City Rampage is getting a 16-bit sequel