
Verizon to raise price of grandfathered unlimited data plans by $20

Now Verizon is getting serious about “encouraging” them to move to a capped data plan. And in case you were wondering, Verizon’s customer agreement does indeed say that they can “change prices or any other term of your Service or this agreement at any time, but we’ll provide notice first, including written notice if you have Postpay Service”.


The New York phone giant’s plan will increase by $20 per line, raising the total of the plan to $59.99, website The Verge reported Thursday. Verizon has confirmed that the monthly price tag for its grandfathered $29.99 unlimited data plan will increase to $49.99 starting in November. With voice calling and texting added in, a customer’s monthly bill could easily top $100.

As most of the US’s major wireless carriers have long stopped offering unlimited data plans, those companies must uphold the plan for users who entered contracts before they were discontinued, otherwise known as grandfathered users.

Verizon, the nation’s largest wireless carrier, past year attempted to set a policy that would allow it to throttle, or slow down, data speeds for heavy users of unlimited data.

Verizon said it would work with customers once the rate increase takes effect to see if it makes more sense to switch plans.


As a token of good will, Verizon will reportedly give those subscribers the option of purchasing a new device under an installment plan. Previously, buyers who wanted to purchase a new smartphone had to pay the full retail cost upfront.

Verizon's Bumping'Grandfathered Unlimited Data Price by $20