
‘Very high’ turnout reported for Brexit referendum

The EU referendum debate has an extra twist in Scotland, with the added variable of whether a UK-wide vote to leave, but a majority in Scotland for “Remain”, could be a trigger for a second referendum on Scottish independence.


U.K. Independence Party leader Nigel Farage, a Brexit supporter, told Sky News he thought “Remain will edge it”, though a reporter for the news agency suggested the results are expected to be close.

“If the predictions now are right”, Farage said, “this will be a victory for real people, for ordinary people, a victory for decent people!” Farage, who was predicting that he would have to concede defeat just hours before the results came in, has been campaigning for the past two decades for Britain to leave the EU.

The pound surged as polls closed before falling dramatically.

Ms Stuart said there was a responsibility to act “in the best long-term interests of this country”.

Ralph Brinkhaus, a senior ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, told Reuters: “The released polls show the expected neck-and-neck race”.

The earlier results indicated that “Remain” had taken a lead.

I warned in the ForexLive pre-Brexit webinar that this referendum had captured the passion of the nation regardless of whether anyone fully understood the issues and I likened it to the English Civil War where family members literally found themselves on opposite sides of the battle-field.

According to MarketWatch, an Ipsos Mori poll conducted for the Evening Standard showed 52 per cent of the respondents in the “Remain” camp compared with 48 per cent supporting the “Leave” camp.

“In this poll we asked people who said they didn’t know how they would vote, which way they were leaning, and re-allocated them on that basis, an adjustment that increased the position of Remain by a point”.

The mood in financial markets was also boosted by news late in morning trade that the odds of a Remain vote in the European Union referendum at bookmaker Betfair had risen to 86% from 77%.

And I think the big question on everyone’s mind will be: was the private exit polling that some hedgefunds paid for worth it after all? “The people have not taken their advice”, he said. It would threaten to open further cracks in a grouping already reeling from successive crises over Greek debt and a mass influx of refugees from Syria and elsewhere.

“There are too many migrants from Europe”.

The past few weeks of news have bombarded people with information on the EU Referendum with the hopes of prompting a decision – is it Leave or Remain? The result was slightly more pronounced in Cheshire East, with 51.2% for Leave.

The pound has fluctuated vigorously since the start of the campaign in February, acting as a barometer for sentiment and reflecting the side of the debate in the lead. “If we fail tonight it will not be us that knocks out the first brick from the wall, it will be someone else”, he said.

Lanarkshire voted overwhelmingly to stay part of the European Union in last night’s referendum.

It’s often said that David Cameron is a lucky politician who has seemed to coast through politics on instinct and charm during a career that has culminated in six years as British prime minister.

Bank of England governor Mark Carney said the United Kingdom was “well prepared” for the fallout of the Leave vote and that he would “not hesitate to take any additional measures required” to ensure financial stability.

But despite the statement of loyalty, Cameron would face huge pressure from the country at large to step down as prime minister if Britons have defied him and voted to leave. As results come in, they will be announced by region rather than by constituency.

The Electoral Commission tweeted that it was fine for voters to fill out their ballot papers in pencil or pen after social media users expressed concern they received pencils at polling stations, saying they feared their votes could be tampered with.

EU Referendum Polling Station at Bramham Village Hall, near Leeds.

“In London/southeast and want to vote in the #EURef?”


“Instead of looking at swing, one could try and sample from a random selection of polling stations and work out national shares of the vote”.

Supporters of the Stronger In campaign react after hearing results in the EU referendum