
Veteran memorials in 3 states vandalized ahead of Memorial Day

On this Memorial Day, we as a nation are particularly burdened with the heavy knowledge that on Barack Obama’s watch, the grave military sacrifices made overseas over the last decade to contain Islamist depredations upon a civilized world are daily being squandered by the dereliction of duty and breach of faith shown by feckless, irresponsible, maliciously disloyal politicians. “I remember the Vietnam War and how friends went to war, and bodies came back”. Following the end of the Civil War, North and South separately developed the tradition of decorating the graves of fallen soldiers, on separate days.


Sunman, Ind. – St. Paul United Methodist Church is having its annual Memorial Day Service on Monday, May 30 at 10 a.m. Rev. Bill Helms is the speaker.

Others tend to confuse today’s holiday with Veterans Day in November. Memorial Day is flowers and tiny flags and all the touches that make a gravestone seem softer and less forbidding.

The melding of regional remembrance into a national one was a gradual process. “So I’ve always felt they didn’t get treated properly, there were no homecomings, or welcome homes, or anything for them”. The Boise community donated labor, materials and thousands of dollars to cover the majority of costs for the $117,000 project. Memorial Day is Gramp walking away to visit the baby brother he rarely mentions, because they were on the same hill and the guilt is crushing.

To honor the World War II veterans from Moffat County, a bronze statue of a soldier is being installed in City Park behind the local VFW post sometime this fall.

Whether at a veterans cemetery or during other holiday weekend activities, take a moment and remember the reason for the long weekend – it was earned for us by those who selflessly sacrificed on our behalf.

Names of Vietnam veterans at Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. The day has become one to celebrate the unofficial start of summer, a day to romp on the beach or a day to fire up that shiny new grill for outdoor barbecues. “And we donated $2,500 for America’s VetDogs, who serve veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder”. On Memorial Day, we ensure that their legacies are remembered. Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, and Marines – we, your fellow citizens, owe you our uncompromised faithfulness; we honor you with our deepest gratitude, the tribute of our love and respect.

He’s 97 years old and returned to the USA on December 14, 1945. Why America has remained free.

Americans develop their own traditions.

Instead of flowers at his funeral, Borrelli asked that money be donated to create a veterans clinic at Pasadena City College, Andrew Borrelli said.

There’s nothing wrong with that.


Miamitown, Oh. – The Miamitown Bicentennial proudly presents a B-25 Bomber Fly-Over by the nationally acclaimed Tri-State Warbird Museum at the Memorial Day Parade and Reception on Monday, May 30 at noon.

California Vietnam War memorial to the missing vandalized