
Veterans: Remember true meaning of Memorial Day

After the service, the Legion will hold an open house, featuring live music at 12:30 by the Chapel Hill Village Band. Sponsored by Paul Stinson American Legion Post 514.


On Sunday, Rembetsy was given a place of honor on the bandstand at the center of the Green, where Mayor Ben Blake and Grand Marshal Sean Connolly, commissioner of the state Department of Veterans Affairs, were among the speakers in ceremonies after the end of the parade.

10 a.m., Memorial Day Service at the Conesus Town Hall.

Congress made Memorial Day official in 1971, setting it on the last Monday of May.

SCARBOROUGH: Services at local cemeteries and monuments begin at Black Point Cemetery at 8 a.m. and on to Dunstan Memorial, Dunstan Cemetery, Blue Point Cemetery and Memorial Park. The ceremony will be held at the Brown County Historical Society Veterans Memorial Auditorium, 611 Utah St., and will begin at 10 a.m. A ceremony will be held at the courthouse starting at 10:30 a.m. Lunch will be available at the Rising Sun American Legion Hall, 110 Main Street, following the ceremony.

Sinclair will then deliver the closing remarks, but that will not be the end of the Memorial Day activities.

The mural along Pacific Avenue has a message at the top reading “You Are Not Forgotten” and bears the names of 2,273 soldiers counted as either prisoners of war or missing in action in Vietnam. The tradition was begun by Byron’s great-uncle, Stanley Moore, who served in the U.S. Army and later served as a Red Oak town commissioner for 14 years. One of the oldest ceremonies in Floyd County, it was originally organized by management at the Brighton Mill to honor employees who died in World War II.

The firing squad, along with Post 113 Commander Allan Kirker, Rev. Hughes, the selectmen, buglers and police escort will depart to Kettle Cove Cemetery in Jeffrey Creek, located on Magnolia Avenue. A representative from the Legion Auxiliary will help with lining up the participants. The lowering of the flags during Monday’s service will be handled by the Union County High School JROTC Cadets. Veterans ask all residents of Moffat County to remember the true goal of Memorial Day.

The American Legion and the Vietnam Veterans Association will participate.A wreath-laying ceremony at 11:45 a.m. Monday on the Ninth Street bridge is being organized by the American Legion to honor those who died at sea.

Parade begins at 10 the CMCS school, heads down North Street, ending at the American Legion on Church Street.

The West Bangor Memorial Association will hold its annual Memorial Day program at 11 the Memorial site, Second Street.

An all-day observance starts at 9:30 the Coosa Valley Fairgrounds.

All along the route of the annual parade, as The Volunteers fife & drum corps of Milford led the parade down River Street shortly after 2 p.m., then headed south on Broad Street, people came to honor and remember. The Rev. Msgr. Vincent P. York, pastor of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Parish, Pen Argyl will offer the Invocation and Benediction.

Sgt. Joe Leroux, battalion retention noncommissioned officer for the 997 Brigade Support Battalion, will be the guest speaker for a Memorial Day ceremony at the Fairview Cemetery, Hwy 183 and Park St., Phillipsburg.


Following World War I, Decoration Day’s scope expanded to all fallen American soldiers. Leo Nieves will present the colors. The campus is at 101 Founders Way, Bethlehem.

Vietnam Memorial 2 screen_shot