
VFW: Clinton, Trump to speak at national convention in Charlotte

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday slammed the first day of the Republican National Convention as “surreal”, comparing it to the “Wizard of Oz” while avoiding mentioning Melania Trump’s plagiarism controversy.


Delegates in the crowd below began to yell: “Lock her up!”

In what amounted to a closing argument, Christie said of Clinton, “We can not promote someone to Commander-in-Chief who has made the world a more violent and unsafe place with every bad judgment she has made”.

“In the past few weeks, we’ve seen the Justice Department refuse to prosecute her”.

“Let’s do something fun tonight”, he said. “Tonight, as a former federal prosecutor, I welcome the opportunity to hold Hillary Rodham Clinton accountability for her performance and character”.

“Here’s what we’re gonna do”.

Davis said, “How are we going to move forward?”

Billy Ray Brown said, “The VA system is the most passionate that I am about period, personally”. “Hillary Clinton cared more about protecting her own secrets than she did about protecting America’s secrets”.

Clinton, who didn’t watch much of the convention proceedings because she was flying from Minneapolis to Las Vegas, told public service employees at the AFSCME convention in Las Vegas that she made the comparison after hearing about delegate protests on the floor and some of the speeches.

Next stop on his tour of Clinton wrongdoing was Russian Federation, which brought a clever reminder of her email controversy.

“In North Africa, she was the chief engineer of our disastrous overthrow of Qaddafi in Libya”.

TAMPA, Florida – Hillary Clinton will reveal her vice presidential choice on Friday in a text message to supporters and then appear with her running mate for the first time at a rally in Miami on Saturday. “Their economy is in ruins, there is death and violence in the streets and ISIS is now dominating the country”, said Christie. Hillary Clinton, lying to the American people about her selfish, very bad judgment: “guilty or not guilty?” “These schoolgirls are still missing today”, he continued.

Trump is also expected to visit the Triad next week. “The facts of her life and career disqualify her”.


“We can not make the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the United States someone who has risked America’s secrets and lied about this to the American people”. “We didn’t disqualify Hillary Clinton to be president of the United States”.

Clinton: First day of Republican convention 'surreal'