
Video Games Raised $46 Million On Kickstarter Last Year

According to Kickstarter‘s new infographic, a total of 978,189 backers pledged funds to “Games” projects, which includes both video games and tabletop games. Of that, roughly 10 percent came from Exploding Kittens, a cartoony card game that now holds the record for the most funded games project on Kickstarter of all time. With $5.5 million pledged, Castlevania developer Koji Igarashi’s Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night was the second biggest Kickstarter video game project of the year.


Be that as it may, there have been many Kickstarter campaigns that actually went on to finish the process in its entirety and ended up releasing great games.

“Kickstarter loves games, and we know you do, too”. That number was then quickly dethroned by Shenmue III, which raised $6.3 million Dollars from a passionate crowd of over 69,000 fans. In combination with tabletop game projects, the crowdfunding service noted that almost more than double the amount of money was raised in 2015 compared to 2014.

Due to an nearly indiscernible amount of good and bad outcomes being possibilities for Kickstarter campaigns, it’s still tough to say whether or not the rewards of funding the projects outweigh the risks. We couldn’t be more psyched.


Kickstarter creators also raised a ton of money a year ago on tabletop games, garnering $88,916,039.

Video Games Raised $46 Million On Kickstarter Last Year