
Video of Georgia mother beating teen daughter goes viral

Warning: Video link contains graphic imagery and language.


A Georgia mother took her daughter’s cruel punishment to another level – dishing out a humiliating beating on Facebook Live as thousands watched.

Miller accused her daughter of embarrassing her by posting sexy photos of herself on Facebook and of having sex in her Savannah home.

According to WSBTV out of Atlanta, Green, after receiving a tirade of backlash against her decision to stream the beating, posted a Facebook message stating: “I love my daughter with all my heart whatever happen after this o well my daughter is not going to disrespect me or herself or nobody…Aint nothing changed she still my baby girl lesson learned now have a blessed day”.

Despite multiple commenters calling for the mother’s arrest, the Savannah Police Department told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram Monday they hadn’t heard anything about the incident.

Outraged viewers have demanded that social services intervene to investigate the situation, deeming it child abuse. “I’m going to need you all to send this viral”.

“You nasty as hell”, Miller shouted at her daughter as she chased her around the house, beating her with what appears to be a ruler.

The Root pointed about that this post is basically “saying that she deserved to be beaten by her mother”. Not only do I feel sorry for Nia, but I also feel sorry for her mother because she seems to be lacking in parenting skills.

After seeing a photo of Nia Green on Facebook showing her and her boyfriend dressed in just a towel, her mother started shouting at her and hitting her with what looks like a piece of plywood or ruler.

The video of Nia’s beating is the latest in a long line of social media shaming stunts by parents aimed at putting their children on the straight and narrow.

In that case her father posted a video online of him giving the girl a haircut as punishment for “getting messed up”. “I shouldn’t even been doing what I did”. No i didnt have vari in my house when she said not to. Im only 16 yrs old. Everybody laughing and making reenactments (sic). Sharing my pictures im seeing everything. Her mother also refers to her as a “thot”, an abbreviation for “that hoe over there”.

She said she went to the hospital after the incident to be treated for a head ache and anxiety attack. I embarrassed my moma so she embarrassed me. I’m not defending the live video.


“I work too hard!”

Shanavia Miller