
Video Of Teen Ted Cruz Reveals Ambitious Plans

“Is that like sweat on my butt?”


He initially answered the question by saying he wanted to “be in a teen tit film like that guy who played Horatio” in a film called “Malibu Bikini Beach Shop”.

“Take over the world, world domination, you know, rule everything”.

Don’t lie. You know exactly who Ted Cruz was in high school and college. “Rich, powerful, that sort of stuff”, Cruz says in the video, which appeared on YouTube over the weekend.

Regardless of the speculation on motives, the young Cruz was asked what his aspirations are.

Cruz spokesman Rick Tyler told Politico “Good to see he’s always had a great sense of humor”.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has had high expectations for himself since he was a high school student in Houston in the ’80s.

Don’t get us wrong: There are so many good ingredients that you would think you were in for something delicious.

So why even share the video in the first place?

While the words of a cocky 18 year-old should be taken with a grain of salt, the video closed with an old video of Cruz’s father, Rafael, responding to the young Cruz’s “aspirations”.

While Trump’s candidacy has from the start faced a barrage of criticism from the political and consultant classes in Washington, several establishment Republicans have said lately that they would sooner back Trump than Cruz.

Plus, we’re all inherently curious to find out what a public figure was like before he learned to control his image.

Ted Cruz at the CNN GOP in Las Vegas.


Too bad the darn thing turned out to be so generic.

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