
VIDEO See how The Force Awakens effects came to life

Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be available as a 3D Collector’s Edition on November 15.


As movies have gotten bigger, the call for more and more computer generated effects has become louder, which some might say defeats the point of making the film.

And along with that movie came the advent of George Lucas’ effects company, Industrial Light and Magic, which went on to innovate special effects for the next forty years. The video runs about four minutes, and includes a bunch of digital effects ILM was responsible for including sets, ships, characters, and more.

If you think there was a lot of VFX there, you’re right.

I love practical effects just as much as the next person, but it’s always fascinating to me to see how just how much stuff is digitally created or altered using these types of effects.

This four-minute video pretty much goes from the beginning to the end of The Force Awakens and shows all the layers and details that went into numerous film’s biggest scenes. According to their description, they have studios in “San Francisco, Singapore, Vancouver and London”.

As is often the case with these videos, it’s incredible to think about the tiny little pieces which you’ll never see that had this amount of work and care and attention put into them.


Visual effects reels give you a behind-the-scenes look into how each shot of a film was meticulously put together, and ILM team behind The Force Awakens has done some truly remarkable work.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Visual Effects Reel from ILM