
Vietnam Memorial Defaced on Memorial Day Weekend

Many Americans consider Memorial Day to be the unofficial start of summer, a time for barbecues, holiday shopping and trips to the lake.


Four members of the submarine, the USS Colorado, returned home to Denver on Sunday, one day before Memorial Day 2016. “In fact, Veterans Day is largely meant to thank LIVING veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served – not only those who died – have sacrificed and done their duty”.

Meanwhile, in the South, the former Confederate states had created their own traditions. “So we remember all veterans who died in service to their country, but this Memorial Day, we lift up those who died in Vietnam and we commend all of the names on the wall and their families to the love and care of God”.

While many are out of town for Memorial Day weekend, more than 1400 crosses were put on display at the Anchorage Memorial Park Cemetery.

“We’re always very good about talking about those who are on the wall or those who have passed away, but I think we have a tendency to forget about folks…especially Agent Orange”, he said. Americans, in what gradually became known as Memorial Day, commemorated all native soldiers who had fought and died in battle.

“We try to help other guys that are coming in”, he said.

Patriotic music, US flags waving in the wind, and stone after stone marking a life given in sacrifice; all the sights and sounds of Monday’s Memorial Day ceremonies. He served 17 years in the Marine Corps. and posed with members from other branches of the military for a photo. I understand that because things close down for Memorial Day people inevitably plan getaways and cookouts on their day off. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that. He says the sacrifice continues…

“It’s worth remembering that every person who has enlisted since late 2001 has done so knowing we’re at war, and understanding that combat experience is likely”, Feulner said.


After World War I, the holiday was extended to all soldiers who had fallen in all American wars.

Richard Anderson salutes during the presentation of colors at the annual Memorial Day Ceremony at the Memphis National Cemetery Sunday. Anderson served in the Army and is now a part of VFW Post 11333. The program is sponsored by the Shelby County V