
Vietnam veteran gives his Purple Heart medal to Trump

“I always wanted a Purple Heart“, Trump said. It is indeed “much easier” to come by one via the Trump school of achievement.


A man comes to him, a veteran, so kindly, what a gracious man, hands him his Purple Heart. “I’d just like you to keep saying what you’ve been saying”. Khizr Khan famously offered to lend Trump his copy of the United States Constitution, and now I’m wondering whether he should have offered to lend him a dictionary, as well.

On Tuesday, Trump declined to endorse McCain and House Speaker Paul Ryan, saying “I’m just not quite there yet”, – ostensibly because they have criticized him, although they have also said they will still vote for him. “That’s like, that’s like big stuff'”.

Holding up a Purple Heart, Trump quipped during a rally in Virginia Tuesday that, “I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier, ‘” Barney wrote in a post on Facebook.

“All hell broke loose, airplanes coming and bombing us, and I was up on the front lines”, he told CBS 2’s Charlie De Mar.

At Tuesday’s campaign event in Virginia, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump again spoke out about veterans.

Illinois Rep. Tammy Duckworth, a Democrat running for Senate and a Purple Heart recipient, later tweeted out a picture of herself in the hospital.

But Khan clearly did not find Trump’s comments amusing.

“A gentleman handed me a check, and he said ‘this is for your campaign, ‘ Trump said”. “I don’t think he knows about who’s who and what’s what as far as the veterans go”, he said. “We’re going to turn that around so fast your head is going to spin”.

Others took aim at Trump’s lack of military service, following the New York Times’ revelations on Monday that the GOP candidate avoided draft during the Vietnam War due to five medical deferments.

In response, Trump ridiculed the soldier’s mother for staying silent during her husband’s speech and said he’d given up a lot for his businesses.

“I hear that baby crying, I like it. What a attractive baby”, he said. You can get the baby out of here.


It was unclear if Trump was still joking.

Veteran gives Donald Trump Purple Heart at VA campaign rally