
VIEWER GUIDE: Can Barack Obama top his wife in Philly?

But his own White House dreams and reported rivalry with Clinton will have to be in the rearview mirror in order to deliver a home run endorsement, starting on stage and continuing through November. I made the right decision across the board.


It’s no secret the sitting vice president has long coveted the Oval Office for himself. In 1988, his first run ended abruptly amid allegations of plagiarism.

The party also retains its commitment to closing the US detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, something Obama made a priority when he took office in 2009.

But when the young Illinois Sen.

“I don’t know where you are, kid, but you are incredible”, Biden told Mrs. Obama, who was watching Wednesday’s convention proceedings from her mother’s house in Chicago. There was no visible sulking when White House officials declined to identify him as a favorite of the president or even push back hard on the idea that Obama had twice told the nation Biden was the next-best person to be president and didn’t feel that way heading into 2016.

When the 2016 race ramped up, Biden was initially somewhat of an afterthought. But he’ll also be defending his own record. “And no matter how daunting the odds; no matter how much people try to knock her down, she never, ever quits”.

But then, in May 2015 tragedy struck again for the man whose entire career had been forged by tragedy – his wife and daughter were killed in a auto accident right after he was first elected in 1972, and he himself survived two aneurysms.

“I look at someone who is a statesman”.

“This is a complicated and uncertain world we live in”, Biden said.

A son of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden appealed directly to the working class white voters who have been drawn to Trump’s populism, warning them against falling for false promises and exploitation of Americans’ anxieties. He also had the ability to show enormous empathy, was a gifted retail campaigner, and was a passionate consoler during times of national tragedy. “And there’s not been enough focus on playing on their hopes, appealing to their better angels”, Biden said.

“The America I know is full of courage and optimism and ingenuity”, Obama said.

He never got there, at least not in time.

At the end of his powerful 45-minute speech, Clinton joined him on stage, prompting deafening cheers from the thousands of convention delegates and guests packed into a Philadelphia sports arena to hear the president’s address. “I know Hillary. Hillary understands”.

“I do not think there is any fracture in the party”.

While on the floor, Biden also spoke with a group of students about why people come to the United States and how in all of his travels there is “not a single leader in the world that wouldn’t trade places with us in a heartbeat”. “They’re the opposition, not our enemies”.

“Most of all, I believe there’s unlimited possibilities for this country”, he added. Republicans last week painted a dark portrait of an America under siege, beset by criminals and terrorists. The platform of party positions put forth by the Democratic Party at its convention in Philadelphia suggests Democrats would be just fine with that.

Could Biden have fully bridged that gap if he were the Democratic nominee? Early polls showed he was more competitive against leading Republicans than Clinton.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Can Barack Obama top his wife? “I think there’s always been an element of – and Biden is by no means the only one who has felt this – ‘why does she feel entitled to [run] and I can’t?'” And he doesn’t out running for office.

“The way to become really popular is announce you’re not running for president”, Biden said Wednesday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”.

“We have to be a little graceful here”, he continued.


The committee agreed that the national minimum wage should be raised to $15 per hour and that work needs to be done to make college more affordable, both of which were demands from Sanders during his campaign. They get a chance, man.

Vice President Joe Biden talks to students from Eagle Academy for Young Men during a walk at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday. He speaks Wednesday night