
Viewer’s Guide: 5 candidates vie for validation in 5 states

Pennsylvania appears to be the only state where Trump can get a substantial number of unbound delegates.


The attacks on Kasich come after he and Ted Cruz announced they are joining forces to stop Trump from winning the Republican presidential nomination.

“I’m not campaigning in IN and he’s not campaigning in these other states, that’s all. I have never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion”, he said during the rally. Yet, further complicating matters, Kasich still plans to attend a Tuesday afternoon fundraiser in Indianapolis.

At a pizzeria in Greenwood, Indiana, where Cruz also stopped Monday, some voters asked him to autograph a mailer his campaign sent out before the agreement that made Kasich look soft on guns. “When two candidates who have no path to victory, they have no path, they are mathematically out, they ought to quit so can all get together, we can all unify and we can all go against crooked Hillary Clinton and beat her really, really beat her bigly”.

Kasich described the arrangement as a matter of shifting resources – and not as a signal to his voters in IN that they should back Cruz.

As many as 172 delegates are in fray for the five State East Coast primaries being held today in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Rhode Island.

“To ensure that we nominate a Republican who can unify the Republican Party and win in November, our campaign will focus its time and resources in Indiana”, Cruz for President Campaign Manager Jeff Roe said in a statement.

Although the OH governor did pick up five delegates from Rhode Island Tuesday, strategist John Weaver has indicated that Oregon’s May 17 primary – where 28 delegates are awarded proportionally – is Kasich’s next chance to shift the narrative.

Cruz then dodged a question on whether the strategy could backfire.

Cruz’s campaign said Sunday night it would direct its resources to IN, leaving New Mexico and OR to Kasich’s campaign, which said it would move its resources to those states and allow Cruz to take on Trump IN Indiana.

On the Democratic side, front-runner Clinton is looking to cement her lead over Sanders.


Mr Trump is the only Republican candidate who can clinch the GOP presidential nomination before his party’s national convention. The media are beginning to take note – leading to headlines like, “Holy Crap Do Women Not Like Donald Trump”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump waves as he arrives for a campaign rally at West Chester University on Monday in Pennsylvania