
Viewer’s Guide: Cruz, Trump, may clash on debate stage

Because they’ve been convince themselves that Trump’s support has maxed, that Trump’s peak has happened, that he can’t get any more popular, that if he were gonna have more support, he would already have it. So much so that talk of them running on the same ticket was excitedly bantered about in conservative circles. And to experienced political observers, it’s the answers to those other questions that shed a better light on the state of the presidential race.


There’s a battle royale going on among the establishment candidates, all trying to edge the other out especially in New Hampshire. It found 42 percent of those polled considered that most important in their search for a candidate to support, while 34 percent considered it a minor factor in their decision-making process. But if none of it does-if Rubio gets drawn back into arguments with lower-tier candidates, and Trump and Cruz continue to over-perform-it will be time for party insiders to stop fantasizing about a comeback narrative, and start thinking about which of two evils they fear less.

Cruz made a claim that Trump lacks idea regarding the United States nuclear policy.

“I know nothing about it, but I hear it’s a very big thing”, Trump said of the loan in an interview with Bloomberg Politics posted online Thursday. They are seen as “anti-establishment” by 68 and 66 percent of their respective supporters.

Here’s some of the items that are likely to come up as the debate goes on. More than half-again, 52 percent-said leadership, while 40 percent said issues.

CHARLESTON, S.C./MANCHESTER, N.H. Flaring tempers and sharp elbows may turn a debate of seven Republican presidential candidates into a seven-car pileup on Thursday with tensions between Donald Trump and rival Ted Cruz leading the way.

The 60-second spot, “Enough”, will run as part of the campaign’s rotating ad buy in New Hampshire ahead of the state’s first-in-the-nation primary next month. Recent polls show Rubio and Christie locked in a dead-heat for second place, with Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) and Bush trailing just a few points behind.

Thompson, who is also the state director for the National Federation of Independent Businesses, said demoting Fiorina hurts the economic discussion, as she was the one with the most real-world business experience. Trump really is setting the tone for the Republican Party, and candidates like Rubio and Bush are not.

Cruz’s argument, Tribe says, contradicts the senator’s take on other issues, such as the 2nd Amendment, which he says was clearly spelled out by the Founding Fathers and shouldn’t be challenged. Almost a third-32 percent-of likely Republican Caucus voters said “someone born outside the US should not be president”. Instead, 28 percent of them would actually support Cruz.

“I will say, it is more than a little odd to see Donald relying on as authoritative a liberal, left wing, judicial activist Harvard Law professor who is a huge Hillary supporter”, Cruz said, in reference to Laurence Tribe, who has argued that Cruz is not eligible to be President.

The polling organization also asked voters what was more important: a candidate who is conservative, or a candidate who can win the General Election.

Bush said he would not base judicial appointments on the abortion-rights positions of his nominees but rather scour their records to find conservatives who are consistent in their overall judicial philosophy. Laxalt said Cruz just needs to keep doing what he’s been doing in each of the previous contests.


A poll from the Des Moines Register showed Cruz with a 3 point lead over Trump, the latest in a series that shows Trump’s once dominant lead slipping.

Donald Trump is now the favourite to win the Republican presidential nomination according to Betfair