
Vigil for Officers Killed in Baton Rouge

Six Pascagoula police officers and two George County officers chose to attend the funeral of their fallen brother in blue at his funeral on Friday in Baton Rouge.


About 70 motorcyclists from the Louisiana Patriot Guard Riders showed up for Gerald. “The objective is so that we can have a situation where we have officers and communities that are working together, where there’s a continual police presence in the community”, Banks-Daniel said. After firing the fatal shots and wounding three other officers, Long was killed by police.

The law enforcement officers – Baton Rouge police officers Matthew Gerald and Montrell Jackson and East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Brad Garafola – were killed Sunday in what police described as an ambush. Witnesses inside a auto in the parking lot recorded the moment where two law-enforcement officers put down Sterling and after finding a gun, even though Sterling was subdued and the video shows no aggressive behavior on his part, one of the two officers shot him dead. Long died in the ensuing gunfight with police.

Gerald joined the Baton Rouge Police Department less than a year ago, an enthusiastic rookie at age 41, after serving four years in the Marines and seven years in the Army, where he did three tours in Iraq and ran a Blackhawk helicopter crew.

A memorial sign is posted Monday, July 18, 2016, in front of the B-Quick convenience store where law enforcement officers where engaged by a gunman and three were killed on Sunday in Baton Rouge, La. Gerald was a Marine and Army veteran and will be buried in the Louisiana National Cemetery in Zachary, La. Company owner Trey Ganem said Gerald’s reflects his military background and his family.

East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s deputies Natasha Stingley, right, and Minnie Ducksworth, left, bow their heads in prayer before releasing balloons at a noon vigil organized by municipal court workers in downtown Baton Rouge, La., Wednesday, July 20, 2016, in honor of recent slain and injured sheriff deputies and police.

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke says he plans to run for U.S. Senate in Louisiana. He also peddled self-published books about empowerment and spiritual enlightenment.

Fox News reports that Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie Jr responded to the constant critics to the police force that had follow numerous videos of police officers attacking and killing black people.

Another deputy, Nicholas Tullier, remains in the hospital.


Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden called on mourners – and the greater community – to set aside whatever differences they may have with law enforcement and show respect to police.

Baton Rouge Officer Matthew Gerald was one of three officers that was killed during a firefight in Baton Rouge Louisiana