
Vigils planned for Orlando victims

“I think it affects the wider population, but it presents an opportunity for us to unify in a message of love and compassion for other people”.


The fundraiser and vigil are part of a week-long schedule of events leading up to The Greater Ozarks Pridefest Festival Saturday (6/18) from noon to 9 pm on Park Central Square.

“We need to be unified, we need to be coming together, we need to do things, like last night with our vigil”, Indy Pride President Jason Hinson-Nolen says.

“I stand with the people of Orlando, the LGBT community, and all victims of gun violence to fight for solutions that will reduce violence and save lives”.

“How many people have to die before this federal government comes to its senses?”

Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton was one of a list of speakers to take the podium where he told the crowd, “We all stand with Orlando here in Phoenix tonight”.

Outlines of bodies are drawn on the ground outside Faces nightclub in Sacramento on Sunday, June 12, 2016 to represent victims of the shooting at an Orlando nightclub earlier in the day.

Tonight’s vigil is an extension of the solidarity the LGBT community showed at PrideFest this weekend.

Smith said what happened thousands of miles away in Orlando hits close to home because the shootings could have very well happened in Austin. He isn’t in the LGBT community, but he has friends who are. That is who we are, and that is what we do.

In a statement, Pride Toronto said the shooting is painful reminder of the hate the LGBTQ2S community continues to face. We must make our media, our community members and our politicians aware that words have meaning; that the vitriol, whether spewed by our family members, our neighbors, or our politicians, leads to fear, misunderstanding and hatred.

“I’m shocked, I’m sad, I’m revolted”, Chantelois said.

Wofford said he’s set up a meeting with Greensboro Police Chief Wayne Scott to come up with an active shooter plan.


Outside of the Gay 90s, Minnesota’s most popular gay nightclub, 50 flowers were placed to honor the victims of the Pulse shooting.

Boston Pride block parties to honor Orlando shooting victims