
Villani: Donald Trump insider says candidate’s on path to nomination

The president said that Trump and his closest Republican rival, Ted Cruz, are actually performing a public service: “Laying bare unvarnished some of the nonsense that we’ve been dealing with in Congress on a daily basis”. Ted Cruz is doing everything he can to prevent that.


Sorry, you’ve reached the limit on the articles you can view. John Kasich trailed both with 18 percent, while 11 percent remained undecided.

Not all conservative Latinos favor Trump or Cruz, nor the harsh tone of much of the immigration rhetoric heard in the presidential race.

The Wall Street Journal profiles pastor Mark Burns, one of Trump’s most ardent supporters.

Donald Trump is like the kid in class who never does the reading, does his homework on the bus and bluffs his way through when the teacher calls on him and he doesn’t actually know the answer. The online poll of 468 Republican Trump supporters has a credibility interval of 5.3 percentage points.

Critical voters, newspapers and New York’s most prominent Republican candidate – Donald Trump – continue to hammer the Texas senator over the phrase in the run-up to the Empire State’s April 19 primary.

That means Florida, the most important swing state in the November election, also could play a key role buttressing Trump at the July convention in Cleveland if he doesn’t secure the necessary 1,237 delegates before then, which seems increasingly likely.

Trump and Cruz are hoping to use the Rule 40(b) controversy “to box Kasich out, and I think that’s the wrong thing to do”, Gleason said. Trump, of course, as he’s been demonstrating throughout the campaign, is anything but. The New York Times reported on a recent fundraiser for the Cruz camp held at the Knickerbocker Club, one of the New York’s most elite establishments.

Donald Trump is accusing Ted Cruz of being behind a racy ad featuring a picture of Trump’s wife.

“We could be the final votes or delegates for any given campaign”. Washington is a proportional state, which requires candidates to get at least 20 percent of the vote in order to receive a delegate allocation.

Trump’s candidacy has created fractures within the state’s Republican Party.

Further, Republican enthusiasm has been waning over the past three months, and Republicans have become less likely to say the election process is working the way it should, Gallup found. “I’m going to take those experiences – take those values – to the White House if the people of NY give me that great privilege”.


“I looked at him and started talking about our incredible police, our incredible firefighters”, Trump said, pointing to New Yorkers’ bravery after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Cruz in Colorado Nam Y. Huh AP