
Violence Continues at Trump Rally in Salt Lake City

Are you sure he’s a Mormon?


“The only path that remains to nominate a Republican rather than Mr. Trump is to have an open convention”, he said.

While Clinton was only slightly ahead of Trump – 38 percent to 36 percent – Sanders, a self-declared Democratic socialist, holds a substantial lead – 48 percent to 37 percent over the billionaire businessman and reality TV star among likely Utah voters.

“I will vote for Senator Cruz and I encourage others to do so as well, so that we can have an open convention and nominate a Republican”, Romney wrote on Facebook on Friday afternoon.

“They’re fantastic people and it’s an honor to be with you tonight, those of you that are Mormons”, Trump added later.

The questions about Romney’s faith, posed in a city that itself was founded by Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers, is the latest in the heated battle between Trump and the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, who has sworn his opposition against the current party front-runner.

Over the past weeks, Romney has emerged as one of the leading figures in the Republican Party trying to deny Trump the presidential nomination.

Police in riot gear looked on Friday as the protesters chanted “Dump Trump” and “Mr. Hate Out of Our State”.

The candidate’s son, Donald Trump Jr., said in an interview that his father’s comment was not meant to question Romney’s faith but whether he is living up to the values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The protest was organized by the University of Utah chapter of Students for a Democratic Society, which has endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Marco Rubio. “Mitt Romney is a mixed up man who doesn’t have a clue”, Trump wrote.

Though there were many big names at the rally, they all had one primary message: that the Republican Party needs to unify behind one of the three Republican candidates still remaining, and that Utah can help set that example to the rest of the country. Are we sure? He choked. A few protesters threw punches at officers.

The incident, which took place as Trump’s event was winding down, caused security inside the venue to direct attendees to leave through a side entrance after the GOP front-runner concluded his remarks. “However, it is not neutral in relation to religious freedom”, the statement read, before proceeding to quote the faith’s 19th-century founder, Joseph Smith, saying he would “die in defending the rights of … any other denomination who may be unpopular and too weak to defend themselves”. Sixteen percent said they’d skip the election if Trump and Clinton were their ballot choices, while 9 percent said they wouldn’t vote if it was a Trump-Sanders matchup. “Honestly, they’re doing their thing”. Trump spoke to 500.


“Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah- fantastic crowd with no interruptions. Love Utah- will be back!” he tweeted.

Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally Friday in Salt Lake City