
Virgin Casts Doubt On Corbyn’s Train Claim

“I think both the Labour party and the economic situation have moved on since then; the biggest economic issue right now is Brexit”.


She added: “In any other job I would have called on my union for support in confronting an all-white management which prevented two of its few black employees from doing their jobs”.

It is not clear where passengers might have had the opportunity to get off the train for this to be true. In 2004 and 2013, the Labour conference voted to renationalise the railways, which was not in either the 2005 or 2015 manifestos.

Mr Smith also said the booing of Mr Khan by Corbyn supporters shows how low the party has sunk.

In other measures, Mr Corbyn promised a “radical devolution of power” from Whitehall to local councils, regions, and the devolved administrations, the replacement of the House of Lords with an elected second chamber, as well as new “citizens’ assemblies”.

A Labour source said Mr Corbyn’s recollection of why the Labour leader walked past seemingly empty seats, as shown in one CCTV still, was that there were no vacant pairs of seats, and he wanted to sit next to his wife, Laura, for the journey.

The Labour leader, who was filming for a Guardian video, was travelling to Gateshead for a hustings event with leadership challenger Owen Smith.

“Isn’t that a good case for public ownership?”

“With the Tories wreaking havoc on our country, the first and last consideration must be which of the candidates is most likely to lead the next Labour government that will invest in our public services and give everyone a fair chance in life”, the leader of the Scottish Labour Party, Kezia Dugdale worte in the “Daily Record”.

As a result, many of Corbyn’s shadow cabinet members resigned and publicly stated they had no confidence in his leadership. Under Corbyn, the party has also become embroiled in a series of members’ suspensions for anti-Israel and anti-Semitic comments.

The mention of Mr Khan’s name at a rally of Mr Corbyn’s supporters in London on Sunday was greeted with jeers and boos.

“He’s also right to point out the need to introduce more trains on our route – that’s why we’re introducing a brand new fleet of 65 Azuma trains from 2018, which will increase seating capacity out of King’s Cross by 28% at peak times”.

Khan criticized Corbyn for being unfit for leadership, saying, “Jeremy has already proved that he is unable to organize an effective team and has failed to win the trust and respect of the British people”.

Party members will receive their ballots by post as well as an email with an online ballot code – giving them a choice as to how they vote – but supporters will receive only an online ballot.


Labour has announced that its electorate for the contest consists of 350,000 full members, 129,000 who paid £25 for a registered vote, and 168,000 from affiliated organisations.

William Hill – Smith has slim labour leadership chances despite Khan endorsement