
Virgin challenges Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘ram-packed’ train footage

Minutes after filming the video, he took up a seat for the remaining journey of his trip from London to Newcastle.


Ram-packed?: CCTV footage shows Mr Corbyn walking past reserved but empty seats at 11.08am in Coach F. Seats he and his team deliberately walked past.

“This is a problem that many passengers face every day; commuters and long-distance travellers”, he said.

She also said Mr Smith is better-placed to offer clarity to voters of post-Brexit Britain than Mr Corbyn, who she said “hasn’t really got out of first gear”.

His campaign team said he was unable to find unreserved seats for his group, which included aide Emma Rees and his wife Laura Alvarez, s o he sat with other passengers in the corridor who were also unable to secure a seat. The below images also show him eventually seated on the service.

According to The Guardian’s report last week, the footage of the Labour leader was taken by Yannis Mendez, a freelance filmmaker who volunteers for his campaign.

Corbyn is now campaigning for re-election as Labour leader after a challenge was launched by former Shadow Cabinet Minister Owen Smith. The journey was on an East Coast Mainline service from Kings Cross – a franchise that went from public ownership to Virgin Trains past year.

But Virgin Trains claimed on Tuesday that seats were available on the train.

Voting will begin on Monday to decide the fate of the Labour Party’s next leader, who is expected to run for Prime Minister in the next general election in 2020.

Branson’s photos, from a train surveillance camera, shows Corbyn walking past empty seats before squatting on the floor.

“Video footage of Corbyn sitting down is after he filmed video”.

He’s later shown sitting down in a seat 45 minutes into the journey – but before the train’s first stop in York.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been exposed by Virgin Trains after claiming he was forced to sit on the floor during a journey from Kings Cross to Newcastle. “There were no seats he was able to find and staff couldn’t find any either”, the source said.

“If this had been any of my previous employers in the public and private sectors Jeremy might well have found himself before an industrial tribunal for constructive dismissal, probably with racial discrimination thrown in – given that only 5% of MPs are black and female, picking on us two is statistically interesting to say the least”, she said. “I agreed strongly with the anti-austerity logic underpinning his economic vision, and felt that he had a long record of standing up on issues of human rights and civil liberties. I believe Owen Smith can deliver the Labour government this country needs and that’s why he gets my vote”.

In other measures, Mr Corbyn promised a “radical devolution of power” from Whitehall to local councils, regions, and the devolved administrations, the replacement of the House of Lords with an elected second chamber, as well as new “citizens’ assemblies”.


“Passengers across Britain will have been in similar situations on overcrowded, expensive trains”.

1000 Labour councillors sign letter supporting Owen Smith