
Vladimir Putin my fan? It’s mutual says Donald Trump

And in a more sobering assessment of recent developments, the FT’s Courtney Weaver thinks Mr Putin offers a glimpse into the future for the United States – if it elects Donald Trump as president.


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“He’s a really brilliant and talented person, without any doubt”.

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President Vladimir Putin has said Russia’s unwavering position on the crisis in Syria, where it has steadfastly resisted calls for Bashar al-Assad’s ouster, has facilitated its negotiations with both Washington and Damascus on the issue.

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Anup Rubens is the music director for this movie and Aditya music has gained the rights of this movie at a fancy price. Nagarjuna, who features in dual roles in the movie, shared a collage of memorable moments from the event on Facebook.

UPDATE: “10:27 AM EST – Although the video doesn’t show it, immediately after Scarborough pressed him to condemn Putin’s murdering of his critics, and Trump said he absolutely” condemns it.

Trump holds the lead in opinion polls in his bid for the Republican nomination and was dubbed the “absolute leader” in the race by Putin on December 17.

As he was leaving the hall, Putin was asked about Trump. He says that he wants to move to another level of relations, to a deeper level of relations with Russian Federation.

Speaking with emphasis and gesturing energetically throughout a news conference that lasted more than three hours and was televised live, Putin also vowed that the killing of a Russian opposition leader gunned down near the Kremlin in February will be solved and no one will be immune from prosecution. The two countries, however, have found common ground in launching airstrikes against the terror group ISIS based in Syria.

Putin said that Trump’s comments to his domestic audience while on the campaign trail were not Russia’s concern, but added that he likes the Republican hopeful’s statements on Russian Federation. “Of course we welcome it”, Putin said.

Trump’s response was a far cry from the stance of another Republican candidate, former business executive Carly Fiorina.

Putin said the Russian military operation in Syria will continue until a political process starts, but it is up to the Syrians to decide when to stop fighting and sit down for talks.

Kasich’s release – which says it was “paid for with dollars, not rubles” – also mentioned Putin’s “willingness to regularly violate other countries’ territorial integrity in blatant violation of global law if it suited his aims”, references to Russia’s invasions of Georgia and Ukraine.


During Tuesday’s debate, Christie said he “would not hesitate” to shoot down a Russian jet if it interfered with airspace in Syria where the launching airstrikes. “And I’m sure that Obama doesn’t like him very much”, Trump had said.

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