
Vote Fails to Defund Planned Parenthood

The vote came after GOP lawmakers seized on a series of videos released by an anti-abortion group, the Center for Medical Progress, purportedly showing Planned Parenthood officials making deals to sell fetal tissue for profit.


Senators voted 53-46 for a bill from Sen.

Some GOP legislators have vowed, however, to keep up the fight.

Republicans on Capitol Hill have clashed with President Barack Obama over federal money for Planned Parenthood before.

The group has apologized for the language used in the videos, but insists it was taken out of context and that it does not profit from providing the tissue to medical researchers; merely seeking instead to cover its costs.

The funding cutoff is the direct result of the release of multiple videos of Planned Parenthood workers appearing talk to potential buyers about the sale of specimens obtained during abortions.

In Connecticut, there are 64,000 Planned Parenthood patients and 17 facilities, most of which are located in medically under-served areas.

Both of Indiana’s senators voted Monday to cut off federal funding from Planned Parenthood. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, who sponsored the Senate bill, said on the Senate floor Monday. Eventually, a compromise budget was passed that didn’t include stripping aid to Planned Parenthood, CNN reports.

“All you’ll do by creating this line in the sand once again is to shut down the federal government”, Murphy said about the threat, “sucking thousands of jobs out of our economy and leading to tens of thousands of stories of individual misery”. Rubio will participate in the forum via video, as will Sens. “I think all American should be sickened by this”, he added. “So I think when something is so morally repugnant to so many people, why should tax dollars go to this?”

Paul and two other GOP candidates – Sens. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

Planned Parenthood provides critical health care and preventive services, such as cancer screenings and tests, for women and men, many of whom do not have access to services elsewhere”. Abortion accounts for three percent of the health care provider’s services, the rest of which are devoted to preventive care.

Jess McIntosh – a spokeswoman for Emily’s List, a political advocacy organization supporting pro-abortion rights women candidates – predicted that Republicans’ vote to strip funding would come back to haunt them.


Jindal’s office also said the health department was concerned that Planned Parenthood was violating a Louisiana law prohibiting a group that contracts with the state from recommending that women have abortions. “Because that is American women’s lived experience with Planned Parenthood“.

Sens. Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal