
Voters give thumbs up to school budgets in three districts

“MNPS’ use of taxpayer dollars to sue the state only serves to remove funds from classrooms and the very students the district is attempting to help”. But in order to make that happen, they’d have to cut new funding and generate extra revenue by imposing administrative fees on charter schools, operating struggling schools with no additional funding or limiting new campus police hires.


A 0.46 percent tax hike is being recommended for the 2016-17 budget, Souderton Area School District said in a June 8 release. That will require the district to spend approximately $4 million from its general fund reserve to cover the difference, leaving the district with a general fund balance of $13.46 million.

The five-member Kent School Board voted unanimously on June 8 to put the measure on the November 8 ballot.

Property tax relief in the amount of $134 is expected to be provided to approved homestead and farmstead property owners and will appear on their July 1 tax bills.

“I know it’s a tax burden, I know that, but I think this might be our last chance to get that little bit, that extra $22”, Bicksler said.

The school board also approved budgets for its special assessments fund, the building fund, a special levy fund used for building projects and the nutrition services fund.

After the plan was presented by board member George Henderson, the board asked Superintendent Mark Jones to look into the issue and what other school districts had implemented as drug policies.

The budget includes a real estate tax rate of 28.56 mils, which reflects a.75 mil increase from last year’s rate. “Just this year, the state provided a record investment for our schools – $220 million in new funding”.

Also. charter schools earning state grades of an F, or two consecutive D’s, would be ineligible for funds.

Of course, more money is not a panacea, and we need wise oversight of school spending. That leaves a short, two-year time span (before) the next election occurs.

“If we are in pauper status, we don’t have the luxury of donating to other agencies”, she said.

Those savings have been incorporated into the final budget, she said.

VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION: The Indian River school district offers a hybrid online program for students to study at home but still meet with local teachers, TC Palm reports.

“A further £5m has been allocated to the Department today to enable controlled and maintained schools to draw down on surpluses that they have built up previously”.


He said it was encouraging to see the administration respected the suggestion from high school staff to have a system to pick the new principal, which involved faculty, parents and student representatives.

County School Board to vote on budget