
Voters: Joe Biden Would Make Better President Than Hillary Clinton

But he had a mission: “He tried to make his father promise to run, arguing that the White House should not revert to the Clintons and that the country would be better off with Biden values”, the article read.


Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is stepping up her campaign, a normal procedure in preparation for the primaries in Iowa and New Hampshire, though she and her team may be haunted by the specter of Biden’s bid.

While it is unknown if Biden could attract the kind of Hollywood mega donors that have been raising big bucks for Hillary Clinton since April, Biden’s people say Hillary’s support might not be out of love for Hillary, but rather a desire to keep a Democrat in the White House. “He’ll decide when he decides”.

“It’s gut versus head”, said one Democrat with Biden ties who’s worked in New Hampshire.

Larry Sabato, a University of Virginia political analyst, called the recent attention paid to a potential Biden 2016 campaign “mainly press generated”, not the result of a surge of political support for the vice president. While this would be a very late start for a presidential campaign by modern standards, it would still allow Biden to appear in the first Democratic debate as well as to speak at the Iowa Democratic party’s annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner, which is a major event on the primary calendar.

Utahns will have to pay a minimum of $500 to see the former first lady, senator and secretary of state at the home of Amy and Barry Baker, who have played host to her and former President Bill Clinton during previous visits to Utah.

Then on Sunday, a former fundraiser and top adviser to Beau Biden, Josh Alcorn, joined the Draft Biden Super PAC that is attempting to lure the vice president into the 2016 race, lending greater credence to the idea that Biden is more seriously considering a campaign. “I-I can’t-I can’t. I’ve just gotta go vote”, Markey said, getting into an elevator. There has been increased chatter in recent days that Vice President Joe Biden, who registered behind Sanders in that poll, is still considering a run for the nomination. Last month, the same poll showed her with an overall positive favorability score of 44 percent positive to 40 percent negative. All the other reports on a possible Biden run were far less emphatic and relied mainly on sources both tentative and anonymous. He also served as CEO of the company founded by his family.


As secretary of state, Clinton oversaw the beginning of the approval process for the Keystone XL pipeline and moved the ball forward on negotiations over the Trans Pacific Partnership. “If it’s undecided when I become president, I will answer your question”.

Jacquelyn Martin  AP Sanders has slightly better favorability ratings among Democrats in the new poll