
‘Vulnerable’ GOP incumbent senators aren’t so vulnerable in new poll

A new Qunnipiac Poll on Thursday finds three incumbent Republicans in key swing states comfortably leading their Democratic challengers.


As of July 1, Portman has polled ahead of Strickland by barely two percentage points – a very narrow lead that could certainly shift in the months ahead.

Brown noted the results contradict the political predictions that Donald Trump, presumptive GOP presidential nominee, would hurt other Republican candidates running in 2016.

“In Ohio, Senator Portman had trailed for much of the campaign, but now has moved clearly ahead”, said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Connecticut-based poll.

Voters in Florida favored U.S. Sen. That’s outside the poll’s margin of error. That suggests heavy advertising by pro-Portman outside groups targeting Mr. Strickland may be having an effect. Quinnipiac’s survey differs from a Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll released Wednesday that found Portman and Strickland tied at 44 percent. Still, 27 percent said they haven’t heard enough about the man who has served as their senator for almost six years to have formed an opinion. In that time, Portman raised $2.9 million and had $10 million left over from previous quarters.

For example, the state party said in a release that it intends to send individuals dressed as Supreme Court justices to some of Portman’s events as a way to highlight the senator’s opposition to holding a confirmation vote this year on Merrick Garland, President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

“It is unclear what Ted Strickland brings to this race as his campaign has no money, no grassroots support, and the worst record of any Senate candidate in America”, Portman spokeswoman Michawn Rich said.

“Trump doesn’t give a damn about working people, he said”.

Quinnipiac regularly gauges the opinions of voters in OH and other swing states on voters and issues. White voters go Republican 52 – 37 percent, while non-white voters go Democratic 59 – 23 percent.

Men back Mr. Portman 55 percent to 35 percent, and women back Mr. Strickland by a bit tighter 46 percent to 41 percent.

Mr. Portman leads among independents, 49 percent to 39 percent.


Pollsters talked to 955 OH voters between June 30 and July 11.

Latest Poll Shows Growing Lead For Portman In US Senate Race